This June, on Dune

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2020
Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

People of the #Duniverse!

How time flies when you’re busy buidling! It’s safe to say that, when Dune Network came to life in June 2019, nobody could have predicted how the world would change around us over the next 12 months! Through thick and thin though, the team and community have continued to #JustDuneIt, hitting milestone after milestone along the way.

While we have come a long way already, there is still much to do! So, without further delay, let’s look at what’s occurred over the last few weeks, and take a sneaky peek at what’s in the #WeAreDune pipeline for July…

Shoot for the moon!

Have you tried Dune MoonShot yet? If not, why? Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to guide a rocket ship full of spice all the way into lunar orbit! As with other games on Dune playground, MoonShot is free to play, and you can win DGG tokens which can then be swapped for $DUN! Read all about it, here!

Liquidity and Love, a match made in Dune heaven

Writing smart contracts is a notoriously burdensome task, and most blockchains require learning a whole new language. This is why it was so important that multiple smart contract languages are supported by Dune!

While language agnostics are, of course, important, we still believe the language of Love should be the preferred choice. This is why we are proud to announce support for Love via the online Liquidity editor! What a perfect couple they make, read more, here.

And for those with a background/affinity for Solidity, don’t forget a full solidity parser is coming! Read about that, here!

Secrets of DunScan

Psst, hey kid, did you know you can create user accounts and bookmarks on DunScan? It’ll save loads of time in the long run! The full piece is here, don’t tell anyone I told you though!

Get something good $DUN

Ever thought it would be great to be able to leave an app on your computer running in the background, earn some crypto, and cure diseases and viruses worldwide at the same time? I didn’t either, until I started testing Dune Folding!

Spots for our beta testing group filled almost as quickly as they opened, so we’re all very excited to see the full release of this fantastic non-profit adventure very soon!

Devenez votre propre boulanger!

Everyone knows that France produces the finest selection of bread and baked good known to man, and now, they can produce some of the finest $DUN in the world as well! With massive thanks to @MagicGame, there is now a complete guide to opening your own bakery available in French! Part one can be found here, and part two, here.


On top of all this buidling, the team have been taking time to expand awareness of the hard work by Dune’s team with a series on ongoing AMA sessions. A massive thanks to the team and communities at Vitex and Vietnam Coin Market for hosting us! We had over 500 questions between the two sessions, so sadly there was not enough time to answer them all. Don’t fear though! We’ll be holding another event with the fantastic AMA community group on the 12th.

Hashtag, you’re it!

And finally, for this month, we had a lot of fun over the weekend with our community hashtag bounty contest. Thank you ever so much for all the great entries, some of them were hilarious even if completely unusable (you know who you are!). Congratulations to our winning suggestions, #Duniverse , #WeAreDune and #JustDuneIt !

Incoming for July

Photo by Zakariae Daoui on Unsplash

On top of everything mentioned above, we’ve got plenty more plans for the month ahead!

  • Dune Raffle, launching on Dune Playground.
  • I can also exclusively reveal plans are in the final stages for release of a digital art platform, powered by Dune. More about this, coming soon!

Join us!




DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.