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Blockchain en 30 minutos

(English version here)

Blockchain, criptomonedas, bitcoin, ethereum, etc. Todas estas palabras están en boca de todos y cada vez hay más interés en ellas. Sabemos que son conceptos y tecnologías complejas de comprender. Para ayudar en esa comprensión hoy en…

dwsDB, la base de datos en blockchain

(English version here)

En blockchain ha habido años de ultraearly adopters y parece que ha llegado el momento de los early adopters “a secas”. Ojo, me refiero a blockchain y, fundamentalmente, al blockchain de Ethereum. Aquí hay que…

Blockchain in 30 minutes

(Spanish version here)

Blockchain, cryptocoins, bitcoin, ethereum, etc. All this words are around us and the interest towards them is growing day by day. We know they are complex concepts and technologies and they are difficult to understand. To help in this…

dwsDB, the database in blockchain

(Spanish version here)

In blockchain there have been ultra-early adopters’ years, and now the time of the just early adopters seems to have arrived. I am talking about blockchain and fundamentally about Ethereum’s blockchain. We have to forget a…

Decentralized Web Services, we build server-less applications powered by the Blockchain.
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