Developing and Testing with Mountebank

We’ve written about our monolith, and our journey migrating to Kubernetes as we move towards having more microservices. This change has also caused us to upgrade our toolchain, like how we run Jenkins. In this piece, I’d like to introduce you to a tool that…

5 Handy Dandy Postgres Features

At Earnest, we use Postgres a lot. The original codebase we lovingly call the “Monolith” was built with…

Monolith to Dockerlith: Learnings from Migrating Our Monolith to Docker

Like everyone’s monolith, ours is complex and was once a little bit out of control. Earnest’s monolith is involved in all major aspects of the business. It is responsible for accepting loan applications from…

Engineering at Earnest
Engineering at Earnest
Lessons learned (technical and otherwise) on the road to building a better lender.
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