Archive of stories published by Earthix: Ethics for Earthlings

Humans Are More Important Than Animals

In this New York Daily News article discussing the outrage over Cecil the lion’s death, the author asserts that “we must always value human life more than animals’ lives.” The author claims that “we’d accomplish more focusing our energy on exposing and combating…

For the Love of Lily

A heart-breaking letter from a dog rescue founder has surfaced online. In the letter, longtime dog-rescuer Theresa Strader details the gut-wrenching story of her beloved Lily, an Italian greyhound used for breeding in a puppy mill with a 40 year legacy of cruelty. On the day the mill closed…

These were the top 10 stories published by Earthix: Ethics for Earthlings; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Earthix: Ethics for Earthlings
focus on veganism, animal rights, and the necessity for a plant-based world.
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