Chronicles on the road: Przemyśl

Eastern Chronicles Team
Eastern Chronicles
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2016


Vanja Nedić — Our visit to Rzeszów was mostly about spending time with friends. We went for coffee with a bunch of them in Rzeszów, uncertain where the day would take us. As it so happened, we ended up in Przemyśl, a smaller city right on the Ukrainian border, only an hour away from Rzeszów.

Spontaneous trips are always the best because there are no expectations. While having coffee, we just googled places around worth visiting, saw pictures of Przemyśl, and then decided to go for it. On our way there we were stunned by the sight of the Polish countryside, its endless green fields all around us. We had to make a short stop in the middle of nowhere just to enjoy the scenery. And take pictures — a lot of pictures!

A funny part of the trip was trying to meet up in Przemyśl, since we came in two different cars. I was explaining on the phone, “We are next to the big church”, before realising that there were actually 5 different ‘big churches’ within 200 meters.

It’s a small city, but it did take us a while to meet due to the church mixup. We saw Catholic, Ukrainian Orthodox, and Greek-Catholic churches. It was amazing to see people going to Mass at the same time, greeting each other before entering different churches. Simply amazing.

And what is a visit to a Polish city without trying the traditional zapiekanka? Everyone loves this version of Polish fast food.

We were told that there were some amazing view points nearby so we went for one. The drive there was a bit crazy, but it was worth the hassle. We were impatient and didn’t want to walk around on the designated path, so we took a steep shortcut to the top. The view was simply amazing!

The whole city and its surroundings were at our feet. The lights in the distance were especially magnificent because of the border: on one side was Poland, on the other Ukraine. We remembered that there is also a viewing point in Rzeszów, so we decided to go and check it out at once. After the view over Przemyśl, it was quite disappointing — but still beautiful. City lights are always amazing to watch — a perfect way to end our stay in Rzeszów.

The Eastern Chronicles Poland road trip takes place between March 7th — 15th, so stay tuned for daily stories!

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