Love Baroque? Love Varaždin

Vanja Nedić
Eastern Chronicles
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2015


In the northern part of Croatia, on the crossroads between Hungary and Austria, there lies a small town called Varaždin.

Varaždin on map

Known as the baroque capital of Croatia, it includes fascinating preserved architecture from an earlier age. Entering the city center feels like going back in time.

Old City Varaždin is a fortress on the outskirts of the city center and is the best place to start exploring the history of this magnificent town, as today it is used as a city museum. A glance at this building reveals immense historical changes, as it was constructed during the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque era.

Varaždin Castle ( via)

Taking a walk through the city center allows you to witness the beauty of well-kept and preserved noble palaces in the baroque style. Each one is special; each one is unique. They belonged to rich and powerful noble families, both of Croatian and foreign origin. Ballrooms were full, concert halls flourished, paintings and sculptures were everywhere. It was an era of cultural richness and Varaždin blossomed.

Sermage Palace (via)

To ensure that this history will not be forgotten, a festival called Varaždin Baroque Evenings is held every year starting in the middle of September and extending through October. The festival brings together numerous Croatian and foreign music soloists, opera singers, and orchestras. Concerts are held at a variety of venues around the city and its surrounding areas. Inside churches, out in the squares, at concert halls — everything is possible. Baroque music is the main focus but there are also many art exhibitions and music seminars.

Varaždin (via)

Residents of Varaždin pride themselves on being from the baroque capital and celebrate their history by wearing traditional clothes from that period. It’s a feast for the eyes. The colours, accessories, movement... All fits perfectly together and the result is magnificent.

Thinking about time traveling? Think Varaždin!

Women wearing traditional clothes during Baroque festival (via)

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