Go to Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile provides technology and services that enable organizations in Africa to engage, influence, and understand their target audiences. Echo’s flagship product is the Echo platform, which enables organizations to engage stakeholders through scalable SMS, USSD and voice.
Note from the editor

Echo Mobile supports organizations’ engagement strategies through a range of mobile solutions. The Echo platform, Echo’s flagship product, enables organisations to build automated conversations and deploy them at scale using SMS, USSD, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Android applications. The Echo platform is designed and developed to help organizations engage, influence, and understand large groups of dispersed constituents through their mobile phones

Go to the profile of Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile provides technology and services that enable organizations in Africa to engage, influence, and understand their target audiences.
Go to the profile of Ann Kamuyu
Ann Kamuyu
Write something worth reading, or do something worth writing about. — Benjamin Franklin
Go to the profile of Boris Maguire
Go to the profile of James Mwangi
James Mwangi
Project/Product Manager; Technology enthusiast; Father of three
Go to the profile of Constant Oduol
Constant Oduol
Software Engineer @ WMM
Go to the profile of Kim Rodgers
Kim Rodgers
Software Engineer, Machine Learning and GIS
Go to the profile of Ann Kamuyu
Ann Kamuyu
Write something worth reading, or do something worth writing about. — Benjamin Franklin
Go to the profile of Constant Oduol
Constant Oduol
Software Engineer @ WMM
Go to the profile of James Mwangi
James Mwangi
Project/Product Manager; Technology enthusiast; Father of three
Go to the profile of Cyrus Gichohi