Top Python developer Skills you need to know

Aayushi Johari
Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2019
Python Developer Skills — Edureka

With the rising popularity and boon of Python, it has become one of the most sought-after and widely used programming languages in the industry. Creating a euphoria among developers, one is bound to wonder what are the Python Developer skills in order to become a Python developer.

In this article, I will walk you through a structured approach of top 10 skills required to become a Python Developer and it’s career insights.

Let have a look at the top 10 skills required to become a Python Developer:

  • Expertise In Core Python
  • Good grasp of Web Frameworks
  • Object Relational Mappers
  • Road to Data Science
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Deep Learning
  • Understanding of Multi-Process Architecture
  • Analytical skills
  • Design Skills
  • Communication skills

Let’s get started.

Expertise in Core Python

This forms the stepping stone for becoming a Python developer, In order to become one you should have a good hold on the core python concepts which includes the following aspects:

  • Data Structures
  • OOPs concepts
  • Variables and data types
  • File handling concepts
  • Exception Handling
  • Generators
  • Iterators

Let’s move ahead and see the next skill that talks about Web frameworks.

Good Grasp of Web Frameworks

A good Python web developer has incredible honing over either of the two web frameworks Django or Flask or both. Django is a high-level Python Web Framework that encourages a good, clean and pragmatic design and Flask is also widely used Python micro web framework. Sound knowledge of Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is also expected.

Moving ahead let’s see the next Python Developer skill..

Object Relational Mappers

ORM is a programming technique in computer science, comes in handy when we convert data between two incompatible type systems using Object Oriented programming languages. It creates a “virtual object database” that can be used from within any programming language. There are customized ORM tools used by programmers.

Moving on in Python Developer Skills, let’s see the road leading to Data Science.

Road to Data Science

Data Science is an ocean of opportunities. Once you deep dive in the same then there are certain prerequisites you should know starting from your high-school mathematics consisting of Probability, Statistics, etc. Other most common aspects of the same are.

  • Visualization of Data
  • Analysis of Data
  • Data Wrangling and cleaning up of Data
  • Use of Python packages like(NumPy, MatPlotlib, Scikit learn, etc) for Data Science.
  • Good Knowledge of SQL.

Machine Learning and AI

When we talk about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence fields who happen to fall under Data Science. You are expected to know all the aspects of Data Science from the beginner’s point of view, and also be well aware of Machine Learning algorithms. It requires a good understanding of how to acquire data from datasets, analyze data, visualize data, produce insights from data, learn about Neural Networks, etc.

Moving ahead, let’s see another major Python Developer skill.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is one of the fastest-growing fields which also happens to fall under Data Science. There are several aspects of deep learning too, You are expected to hon yourself in Neural Network architecture but before diving there start with Data Science basics and also know various aspects of ML and AI.

Other aspects include:

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
  • Video Processing
  • Audio Processing

Moving ahead, let’s see another Python Developer Skill.

Understand Multi-Process Architecture

Your team may consist of a design engineer, but you should also know how the code works in deployment and release. As a Python-Dev you should definitely know about the MVC(Model View Controller) and MVT(Model View Template) Architecture. Once you understand the multi-Process Architecture you can solve issues related to the core framework etc.

Analytical Skills

To become a good python developer or be it any programming language expert. One should have good analyzing skills in terms of Python it includes. Good understanding of algorithms so that you write clean and not redundant code, able to write optimized algorithms, Visualise datasets in a better way w.r.t to Data Science, Build good websites w.r.t web development.

Next, let’s see the next Python Developer skill.

Design Skills

Now, when I talk about this particular topic. What I really mean by good design skills is related to the fact that you should be able to design scalable products also, implement servers in such a way that they are highly available. One should also keep in mind the frameworks of python like Django or Flask while designing a website as python can work in both client and server-side programming.

Communication Skills

One of the most important aspects of any profession largely depends on having really good communication skills. If you are able to contribute within the team, do peer code review, communicate in an efficient manner then half of your job is done there itself. Even in a core technical role you should specifically communicate with your teammates and contribute to resolve issues or help others.

I hope my blog on “Python Developer Skills” was relevant for you. If you wish to check out more articles on the market’s most trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, then you can refer to Edureka’s official site.

Do look out for other articles in this series which will explain the various other aspects of Python and Data Science.

1. Machine Learning Classifier in Python

2. Python Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet

3. Machine Learning Tools

4. Python Libraries For Data Science And Machine Learning

5. Chatbot In Python

6. Python Collections

7. Python Modules

8. Web Scraping With Python

9. OOPs Interview Questions and Answers

10. Resume For A Python Developer

11. Exploratory Data Analysis In Python

12. Snake Game With Python’s Turtle Module

13. Python Developer Salary

14. Principal Component Analysis

15. Python vs C++

16. Scrapy Tutorial

17. Python SciPy

18. Least Squares Regression Method

19. Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet

20. Python Basics

21. Python Pattern Programs

22. Generators in Python

23. Python Decorator

24. Python Spyder IDE

25. Mobile Applications Using Kivy In Python

26. Top 10 Best Books To Learn & Practice Python

27. Robot Framework With Python

28. Snake Game in Python using PyGame

29. Django Interview Questions and Answers

30. Top 10 Python Applications

31. Hash Tables and Hashmaps in Python

32. Python 3.8

33. Support Vector Machine

34. Python Tutorial

Originally published at on August 22, 2019.



Aayushi Johari

A technology enthusiast who likes writing about different technologies including Python, Data Science, Java, etc. and spreading knowledge.