Top Stories published by Elements blog in 2016

Angular Components

Written by Luis García Estrades and Luis Miguel Fernández of the Elements Barcelona office.

Last weekend the first AngularCamp in Spain took place at the at Disseny Hub in Barcelona (the new center of Barcelona’s Institute of Culture which works to promote better…

PyData Amsterdam 2016

PyData is a conference about data analysis using Python. Every aspect of this, from database implementations to ultra fast matrix manipulation to data visualization is covered in this conference. This weekend (March 12–13) PyData Amsterdam 2016 was held.

PyCon US 2016: Why go to a conference if you can view the talks online?

Author: Michiel Holtkamp

After coming back from PyCon US 2016, I got asked how it was (awesome!) and some people joke why go to a conference if you can view the videos of the talk…

These were the top 10 stories published by Elements blog in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.