Go to Eleventh Life
Eleventh Life
by Matthew Barritt
Note from the editor

It is a characteristic of modern economies — or perhaps simply of some more restless souls, modern or ancient — that we may do one thing for a time, and then something else, and then something different again. Perhaps change overwhelms us (recession, war, flood, or any of a hundred other disruptions, large and small, that come unbidden). Perhaps we choose the change. “In an earlier life,” we might say, “I was a teacher.” “I was an engineer.” “I was a bus driver.” One thing, then another, then another as we and the world around us evolves. Second life, third life, fourth. When I turned to writing I may not, quite, have reached eleven. But when I went looking for a domain the lower numbers were already taken. Thanks for reading from (my) Eleventh Life. -Matthew Barritt, Ann Arbor, June 2020.

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Matthew Barritt
Empathy is a terrible thing to waste.
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Eleventh Life
A Medium publication by @MatthewBarritt