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Eli Dourado
Eli Dourado
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Bitcoin through the lens of portfolio theory

I’ve had some productive discussions with Noah Smith about Bitcoin volatility and the roles of money, to the point where we now seem to mostly agree. But it’s hard to leave it there, so at the risk of eroding some of the gains in agreement, let me…

Common Mistakes Made By Economics Journalists

Ezra Klein, a journalist who writes about economic policy, offers a list of common mistakes made by economists. Ezra’s list is not bad, but I can’t help but feel that turnabout is fair play. If economic journalists can tell economists that they’re…

App Store Economics

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed last week that I have an app in the new Mac App Store. It’s called Gmail Dock, you can find more info about it here and here, and you can buy it here.

Net Neutrality: More Complicated Than You Think

On the technology sites I frequent, TechCrunch and Hacker News, there has been an uproar over Google’s joint proposal with Verizon, in which traditional Internet service providers would be subject to net neutrality regulation and wireless…