Community update: ETH integration, Silicon Valley developments, and media interest

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2018


Our growing Elipay family increased by 8 members in the last two weeks! Our latest additions include an optician facility, a hunting gear shop, a fitness club, a jewelry shop, a piercing and tattoo studio, a scuba diving center, a professional cosmetics store, and a coffee shop. The most important integration, however, took place in the field of payments: the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash payment options were joined by Ether. Stay tuned for more ERC-20 tokens in the future though!

Meanwhile, our advisor Ana Lukner Roljič is working hard on Eligma’s presence on the Silicon Valley crypto scenes! Ana attended another event organized by Cryptonite, a global community of crypto entrepreneurs, investors, and key influencers leading the blockchain revolution.

from left to right: George Gilder, Tim Draper and J. Michael Arrington

Eligma’s projects and Bitcoin City keep generating press attention, resulting in two visits last week. The first one was Jeff Wilser, a celebrated author of several books on a variety of topics and a world traveler publishing in the New York Magazine, GQ Magazine, TIME, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, and Huffington Post. We took him on a next-generation shopping tour around Bitcoin City, where he was able to try the Elipay system and used one of the three Bitcoin ATMs located in BTC City.

Jeff Wilser

Elipay was also subject of an international coverage by the Al Jazeera Balkans news station. They visited the Eligma offices and had an interview with Eligma Project Lead Mitja Hegler, who presented Elipay’s future prospects, and also discussed topics like cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Interview with Al Jazeera Balkans news station

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