I’m ending the daily blog

Yes, really.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2016


Today marks 220 days of daily, publicly released writing. Over seven months of dedicating time, every day, to letting my thoughts do the typing.

This isn’t easy.

Writing is my meditation, my sword. But I’ve stretched my comfort zone so much on this journey that it’s all gotten a bit, well, comfortable. I don’t cope well with being comfortable.

But this isn’t easy.

The decision to end the daily blog has followed at least two months of deliberation. I’ve debated it with myself, scrawled pros and cons on scraps of paper, thrown up my uncertainty all over Jen on more than several occasions. With every Chapter there came a question of if I should keep going, or stop.

Because this isn’t easy. In fact it’s damn tough. But I have my reasons, and I’m happy with the decision I’m making.

I’ll still be around on Medium - and hopefully soon my own personal website – so the end of daily writing doesn’t mean the end of writing all together.

I’m still a writer. I’m still a Medium-er. I just need my content to mean more rather than simply be more. I need to change lanes and see what else is out there. I need to listen and learn rather than talk and teach.

This journey started way back in May. Then, I had loads of free time, a creative itch, no job and no permanent place to stay. Today, three of those four are no longer true and daily blogging has played a monumental role in a hugely successful seven months. I have a different kind of itch now. It’s time for a change.

I’ll be back in a few days to explain exactly why I’ve ended this journey 146 Chapters early. But for now, thank you for reading up to this point. If you’ve read every Chapter, thank you. If you’ve read a handful, thank you. If this is your first, thank you. Your support – however little or large – has propelled me further on this journey than I may have been able to otherwise mentally manage.

See you all soon.

- Elliot

The end.

Thanks for reading Chapter 220.

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