Top Stories published by Emi Gal in 2015

[RO] Nu toate milioanele sunt egale

Au aparut in ultima vreme in presa din Romania cateva articole despre Brainient care folosesc cifre ce sunt departe de realitate, si consider ca este de bun simt sa le clarific.

The #elderproject #10 — Princess Marina Sturdza

A week ago in New York, I had the great pleasure to interview Princess Marina Sturdza. She is a member of the old, aristocratic Sturdza family, who were exiled by the communist regime in Romania when she was just three years old.

The #elderproject #1: my dad, Stefan Gal

The first person I interviewed for The Elder Project is none other than my dad, whom I love dearly and look up to in many ways. Asking him the questions was rather odd as I already know the answers to many of them, but nonetheless some of the answers were…

These were the top 10 stories published by Emi Gal in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Emi Gal
Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer. Founder & CEO of Brainient (now Teads Studio), an interactive video platform acquired by Teads in September 2016.
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