In essence, what will EMMARES do? And why we chose to build it on Ethereum blockchain?

Dejan Plavše
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

Email is a big part of digital marketing, but the impact is not what it could be. This is due in large part to the fact that so much of the content used in email marketing is of exceptionally low quality. Customers want the information that marketers have to offer but they will not accept information that is low-quality. Using the smart services offered by EMMARES, people will finally be able to get email marketing content up to their standards and customized for them.

EMMARES will join interests of two parties and will be supported by an immutable smart contract. In a way, it can be described as an insurance for both parties, Email marketers (content providers) and Email recipients (content evaluators). As Nate Murray put it in his article “100 cryptocurrencies described in four words or less”, Ethereum (ETH) can be described as “Programmable contracts and money”. As such it is a perfect platform for EMMARES.

EMMARES will use blockchain-based smart contracts to make sure both parties get exactly what they expect from participating in it.

Compensation will only happen when pre-agreed parameters are fulfilled. For example, a policy can imply that a certain Email marketer ranking must be reached before the recipient is willing to receive their content. The other is that when recipient evaluates the content, they are honestly compensated for that based on a predefined agreement.

Policies like that also make sure that Email marketers get what they expect from participating in EMMARES. Since Email recipients can’t get EMMARES tokens (reward) unless they actually rate the content, Email marketers can rest assured, their rewarding budget (EMMARES tokens) is used for the right purpose and on a predefined scale (until a rewarding budget is consumed).

Policies also give Email marketers the assurance that they will be able to send their content to all agreeing recipients if their sender ranking achieves certain status thus giving them a reason to send out only quality content. All those policies are predefined, known in advance, and they cannot be changed later on. This type of insurance reduces the bureaucracy when it is time to pay, how much, for what exactly, etc. When certain conditions are met a self-executing piece of software code kicks in. Such design also has scarcity (limited rewarding budget) build on it, which promotes quicker email opens and makes recipients (content evaluators) more engaged.

Our mission is to make the world spam-free and to play a leading role in uncovering the possibilities of a dynamic content evaluation and smart delivery system.

More information to follow. Stay in touch, connect with us on social media.

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