I’ll be there for you

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2017

I honestly thought you’d be there for me.

That every stone will be thrown in my direction

Will be met with a shield.

However life isn’t as pretty as the picture we drew when we were five years old.

Not even close to the paradise of having a wallet full of coins!

What are the odds?

The chances of finding someone like you in this storm. My love,

You stood out from the crowd.

That’s why I worship the ground your feet walk on.

I adore the camera that took your picture.

For it captured a perfect moment and locked it into forever.

Our future history.

Honestly I never thought we’d go through hardships together.

I thought it would happen to one of us at a time,

That we’d be there for one another.

I thought the strong one would help the one down in strength.

That one would wipe the other’s tears.

Therefore what are the chances of both of us falling?

Of crushing our bones when we fall from a mountain and lay in agony.

My love I don’t know.

I do not know what the future holds.

How can I be strong for you when I’m struggling to do that for myself?

Where will I find the comfort to give you?

Especially when I’m the one bursting into tears out of nowhere.

I want to walk with you even though I’m wounded.

I want to be there for you even though I’m struggling myself.

Of all the selfless things I’ve done in my life

This one surpasses it.

They say that without love we have no purpose.

Without rhythm there is no dance.

Without art there is no perfection.

And without music there’s no emotion.

Why must you constantly question my devotion?

Why must you shout when I’m standing right next to you?

Have my ears been deaf to your voice?

Do you feel neglected and alone?

Am I failing to understand you and your situation?

My darling when I close my eyes…

When I close my eyes I see our future written in the universe.

Everything will be alright.

How do I know?

I don’t actually! However I believe it to be true.

Better a life of faith and hope than depression.

A life on the ground has never been good for anybody.

Even though I have no happiness to give you

No assurance,

No secret potion to make all your troubles disappear,

I can give you a pillow to lean your head on,

A shoulder to rest on,

And warmth to enlighten you. Even if it is just for a while.



Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…