Was I the only one?

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2019

You give too much.

Therefore you feel too much.

Care for yourself too little…

But for another beyond reason.

Who taught you to fly with one wing?

How will you saw through the sky?

How will you ever break free,

If you keep on clinging to the destructive behaviors of the past?

Your love can never change a man, don’t fool yourself!

As strong as you are, you don’t have that super power.

Change comes from within.

A will, a commitment to be better.

Why we woman settle for less hoping that it will be more?

Why are we so comfortable in staying even when we’re not happy?

We love too much, sadly.

We see the good in people who don’t deserve our love.

Your ability to care deeply is a blessing.

Yet in a bad relationship it’s a curse.

A curse I hope you find the strength notice.

That won’t hinder you from what you truly believe in.

I curse the fairy tales we grew up listening to.

The music.

The damsel in distress.

Cinderella and the night and shining armors.

Who are we if not victims?

Victims of the lives we’re accustomed to.

The behaviors we learnt which are not okay.

A million things we should unlearn, but where do we get the time?

How do we even notice we’re lost when the road is straight?

Why would we question something that feels so right?

At the end of the day, the question is…

Are you right for me?

Or do I believe that you are because somehow,

You have my heart and I consider you my world?

Watch a girl as she falls apart because she stood tall,

On a cracked glass table, thinking it could bear her weight.


Human emotion relentlessly proving you and I wrong or right.

One things for sure though,

No matter what happens,

We’ll be fine.



Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…