Top Stories published by Employbl in 2015

Create a custom blog theme with Hexo.js

Hexo.js is an awesome blogging platform. If you have ever used Ruby's Jekyl it is like…

Add angular-ui-router to a Ruby On Rails app

tldr; — source code on github (give it a star!)

In part 1 and part 2 we set up a Ruby On Rails app with some static data and added angular and bower. In this post we will set up routing and request the list of tasks using…

Make a deck of cards with Django

For the impatient, source code is here

Start the project

$ django-admin startproject django_cards
$ cd django_cards

Add Angular.js to Ruby on Rails app

In my last ROR post we set up a Rails app that displays a list from the database. Here is the SOURCE CODE. (Give it a star on github!)

In this post we will add angular to the task list.

Disable turbolinks