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Tudo sobre Inteligência Artificial em Português
Note from the editor

Tudo sobre Inteligência Artificial em Português

Go to the profile of Alessandro Cauduro
Alessandro Cauduro
Technology and sports enthusiast. Chief AI Officer @ azion.com
Go to the profile of Daniel Godoy
Daniel Godoy
Data Scientist, developer, teacher and writer. Author of "Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide" https://pytorchstepbystep.com
Go to the profile of Alessandro Cauduro
Alessandro Cauduro
Technology and sports enthusiast. Chief AI Officer @ azion.com
Go to the profile of Time Ensina.AI
Go to the profile of Arnaldo Gualberto
Arnaldo Gualberto
Machine/Deep Learning Engineer
Go to the profile of Tiago M. Leite
Tiago M. Leite
Computer Science Student | Deep Learning Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Arthur Paulino
Arthur Paulino
I simply love mathematics and artificial intelligence!
Go to the profile of Tiago Oliveira
Tiago Oliveira
(Senior Lead Solution Architect, Knowledge Graph Systems | Functional Programming, Bigdata & Reactive Architecture Enthusiast) -[:LOVE]-> ( Art )
Go to the profile of Neto Oliveira
Neto Oliveira
Desenvolvedor de Internet das Coisas e Inteligência artificial. Coordenador da comunidade AI.BRASIL. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/netoolii/
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Salles
Rodrigo Salles
Mechatronic Engineer — Physicist — Data Scientist. Always learning.
Go to the profile of Petrônio Silva
Petrônio Silva
Ph.D. in Computacional Intelligence, Professor at IFNMG, data science and machine intelligence enthusiast at MINDS and {ci∂ic}
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Macedo
Rodrigo Macedo
Professor Informática EBTT IFMA | Estudande de Data Science, Cloud Computing e Inteligência Artificial.
Go to the profile of Matheus Facure
Go to the profile of Irio Musskopf
Irio Musskopf
Everyday software engineer, forever mathematician. https://iriomk.com/blog/
Go to the profile of Rafael Pierre
Go to the profile of Julio Cesar Rocha
Julio Cesar Rocha
Engenheiro de Machine Learning e software e arranha um pouco na matemática.
Go to the profile of Ronaldo Batista
Go to the profile of Dânia Meira
Dânia Meira
Data and ML. Follow my journey on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/meiradania
Go to the profile of Henrique Dias
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Nader
Go to the profile of Fellipe Gomes
Fellipe Gomes
Estatístico e Cientista de dados, visite meu site: gomesfellipe.github.io
Go to the profile of Leonardo Ferreira
Leonardo Ferreira
Data Scientist Consultant at trich.ai | Python Developer | Accountant | Kaggle Grandmaster | Upwork Top Rated Plus Freelancer
Go to the profile of Victor Galante
Victor Galante
Berlin resident, computer programmer and beer lover.
Go to the profile of Luiz Santiago Jr.
Luiz Santiago Jr.
Data Science Enthusiast 📊 📈
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Nader
Go to the profile of Italo José
Go to the profile of John Costa
John Costa
Data Engineer | hadoop ecosystem
Go to the profile of CRISLÂNIO MACÊDO
Data Scientist | KAGGLE MASTER
Go to the profile of Matheus Budkewicz
Matheus Budkewicz
Desenvolvedor Full Stack
Go to the profile of Sandro Moreira
Sandro Moreira
Researcher working in machine learning, Community Manager in GDG Rio Verde, teacher at University of Rio Verde-UniRV
Go to the profile of Bruno Batista
Bruno Batista
A brazilian guy trying to become a data scientist. Tech lover, self learner and a nerd by nature, i want to share my work and my craziest thoughts here !
Go to the profile of Lucas Moretto
Lucas Moretto
Físico e entusiasta de Data Science.
Go to the profile of Gabi Viana
Gabi Viana
27 anos, Ciência e Análise de Dados, Computação, Jogos e um Café por favor!! ☕👩‍💻
Go to the profile of Luis Meazzini
Luis Meazzini
Machine Learning and Software Engineer Leader at Genesis, Masters in Computer Science. Philosophy and Anthropology enthusiast.
Go to the profile of K. Delphino
Go to the profile of Leandro Rabelo
Leandro Rabelo
Into Time Series, Data Science and Machine Learning
Go to the profile of Erick Fonseca
Erick Fonseca
Data Scientist at Kaufland, Germany. Doing Natural Language Processing stuff.
Go to the profile of Dalton Costa
Dalton Costa
Psicologia e ciência de dados
Go to the profile of Henrique Gomide, Ph.D.
Henrique Gomide, Ph.D.
Machine Learning Engineer. Trying to make sense of the world through Philosophy and Science.
Go to the profile of Bruno Borges
Bruno Borges
Cientista de dados formado em engenheiria de produção e matemática aplicada.
Go to the profile of Alvaro Leandro Cavalcante Carneiro
Alvaro Leandro Cavalcante Carneiro
MSc. Computer Science | Data Engineer. I write about artificial intelligence, deep learning and programming.
Go to the profile of Maickel Hubner
Maickel Hubner
Make dreams come true with Data Science
Go to the profile of Fernando Schwartzer
Go to the profile of Anderson Oliveira
Anderson Oliveira
Pai da Isabela, desenvolvedor no Banco PAN, apaixonado por tecnologia e entusiasta do mercado financeiro.