Dev Academy vs University Part III: Jobs

Maddy King
Enspiral Dev Academy
2 min readApr 12, 2017
*Cost of University is the average cost of 4 year Engineering degrees at Otago, Waikato, Canterbury, Auckland and Massey Universities. **Universities do not track or release rates of graduates landing a job in their field. Data released by MOE in 2013 showed that 53% of Bachelor’s degree holders were in employment one year after study. This did not specify whether they were working in the field they had studied. ***Dev Academy’s hire rate is based on students finding a job as a junior developer within 4 months of graduating.

Enspiral Dev Academy is an 18 week coding bootcamp based in Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand.

Why choose Enspiral Dev Academy?

The table above shows the difference between studying to become a web developer at Dev Academy vs University. This blog series investigates the advantages of Dev Academy, including It’s faster, It’s cheaper, and continuing with reason 3: You can get a job out of it.

You can get a job out of it

Finding employment is never guaranteed — it depends heavily on the personality of the applicant, their go-getter attitude, as well as the market at the moment. In saying that, however, Dev Academy is extremely proud of our job placement rate. We run an optional Careers Week at the end of the programme to help students with what to expect when they’re applying for a technical job.

“The pay is so significantly better than anything I’d done before going through EDA, so after the enjoyment factor of this work, that’s just been a total bonus!”

Sam*, 2015 graduate, $61–65k starting salary

This includes CV writing, cover letters and interview practice. Dev Academy is also an events hub for the startup and technology sectors in Auckland and Wellington. This means that students are plugged in to a range of events where they can rub elbows and meet and greet the companies looking to hire keen young graduates. This industry connection is not to be understated, as several of our graduates have found work in this way.

Check out our blog on Barriers to getting a job after a coding bootcamp to learn about why the other 22% take longer than 4 months to find a web development job, or go into different fields, and tips on how to succeed in the job hunt after Dev Academy.

Web development is creative, it’s ever-evolving, it’s challenging and it’s about problem solving. If you think Dev Academy might be the place for you, head to our website and apply today for the next Auckland or Wellington cohort.

Check out the next reason to choose Dev Academy: It’s adaptive.

*name changed for privacy.

