July Word-A-Day Prompts

Christine Graves
Enticing the Muse
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2022


A month’s worth of words for July 2022

Photo by weston m on Unsplash

Hello my lovelies and welcome to the July Word-A-Day prompt list. This is kind of bittersweet for me as this is the first time I’m publishing this list on my own site as opposed to being posted on Promptly Written.

I was raised to believe that when one door closes, another opens. Or at least a window. As I mentioned in my latest Over Coffee issue, my beautiful friend, Ravyne Hawke, has closed down the Promptly Written publication. Her health depends on her decision and I stand behind her. She is my soul sister and I have a love for her only the Universe truly understands.

I was a little apprehensive about doing the monthly and weekly prompts on this site. I wasn’t sure how it would be received. Then, as I watched the latest episode of America’s Got Talent, a young lady came out and sang a song that she’d written herself. It was called Daydream and it spoke to me. It was about living the life you dreamed of as a child. Embracing the world you created in a more innocent time and letting it be your guide. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m inventing worlds for others to come and play. I’m creating scenes that can be taken in a million different directions. I’m living my daydream in hopes of helping others live theirs.



Christine Graves
Enticing the Muse

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.