FOAM — A Geospatial Proof of Location Protocol for Blockchains and DApps on Epicenter

In the past decade, GPS and other location-tracking solutions have gone from being niche technologies used by the military and outdoor enthusiasts to mass adoption, available to just

Republic Protocol — A Decentralized & Trustless Crypto Dark Pool on Epicenter

A ‘dark pool’ is an ominously sounding term for a private trading forum, which exists outside the boundaries of a public market and provides access to high volumes of liquidity. While

Decentralized Governance and the Fight for Freedom

Aragon Project is trying to tackle one of the most challenging areas in the blockchain space by building tools for decentralized governance. Aragon founder Luis Cuende joined us on Epicenter to discuss they way they envision those tools and

Epicenter is a weekly podcast about the technologies, startups & people driving decentralization & the global blockchain revolution. Hosted by @seb2point0, @crainbf @meherroy, @sunnya97 and @f_ernst
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