ETC Core — Quarterly Development Review Q1, Q2, 2020

Stevan Lohja
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020


The first half of the year achievements

In the first half of the year, our team kicked ass, contributed to 2 hard-forks on Ethereum Classic along with new product releases (v1.0.0 and beyond), existing project improvements, and an abundance of collaboration with other blockchain projects with much more to be announced this year.



  • The Ethereum Classic protocol successfully completed the Agharta hard-fork on January 12, 2020, at block 9,573,000 which was inclusive of the Ethereum Constantinople features making the majority of apps and use-cases cross-compatible between the two cousin chains.


Our team contributed greatly to these hard-fork initiatives ensuring client readiness, monitoring, testing, coordinating with consumers and our fellow community.

Core-geth releases v1.11.0–1.11.7

  • The ETC Core team released and maintains the Core-geth client which is a fresh fork of the Ethereum Foundation’s official Go-Ethereum implementation with better security considerations. Consumers can use Core-geth to run Ethereum Classic, Eth, and related testnets.
  • Our protocol provider team directly maintains the Core-geth client which successfully handled the recent Ethereum Classic hard-forks without major issues. Core-geth v1.11.0 was the first client release that supported the Phoenix hard-fork.



  • The EVM-LLVM Alpha version was released in Q1. EVM-LLVM project is providing an LLVM back-end target for the EVM allowing developers to build new programming languages to target the EVM. This will allow developers to create new smart contract programming languages to target the EVM with all the security and performance benefits provided by LLVM.


Expedition releases v1.8.0–1.9.0

  • Expedition is a minimal block explorer for Ethereum Stack and utilizes Jade Service Runner for managing background services (Core-Geth), OpenRPC for underlying functionality, and Pristine. It does not use a database and can be configured to point at any remote RPC node for any EVM-based network. The goal of Jade Explorer is to provide a resource for network information and block exploration.

Signatory releases v1.0.0–1.0.8

  • Our tooling team released, Signatory, a transaction and message signing module for EVM-based platforms. Signatory can run offline, run as a standalone server, and easily integrate with Node.js projects. Its API infrastructure is built using OpenRPC providing service discovery, documentation, and compatible with OpenRPC side-kick tools.

Signatory Core releases v1.0.0–1.0.1

Signatory Core is a barebones version of Signatory.

Eserialize releases v1.0.0–1.1.2

  • This goal of this module is to provide easy functions to serialize and deserialize data for the Ethereum Stack.

OpenRPC Specification releases v1.1.10–1.2.6

  • The OpenRPC Specification defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for JSON-RPC 2.0 APIs.

OpenRPC Inspector, Playground, and other side-kick tooling improvements

  • The OpenRPC project has an abundance of side-kick tooling that we’ve continued to improve upon.

Ethereum JSON RPC Specification releases v1.3.4–1.3.6

  • This repository is the home of the Ethereum OpenRPC document that describes the JSON-RPC interface to be implemented by client developers. It contains the tooling and scripts to automate producing artifacts for consuming the JSON-RPC API (docs, clients, etc).

Jade releases v1.8.0–1.9.0

  • Jade service runner is an opinionated JSON-RPC service manager, that provides daemonization, installation, and discovery for JSON-RPC based services.

Consumer Resources

ETC Core Roadmap 2020 announcement

ETC Signal

  • The ETC Signal newsletter was released prior to the Phoenix upgrade to deliver all-consumer messages to ETC consumers such as; hard-fork updates, security alerts, concensus developments, or anything that impacts anyone involved with ETC. The ETC Signal was used to broadcast important Phoenix messaging to consumers. Therefore, if you are are an Exchange, Wallet, Miner, or utilizing ETC in any kind of way, then we strongly advise you subscribe to a sustainable contact or team email to the newsletter ensuring you get important messages regarding Ethereum Classic.

EVM61 Podcast episodes 1–5

  • The EVM61 Podcast was released to talk about ETC updates and interviews with individuals in the space. Episodes can be found on the ETC Core YouTube channel.

New Documentations and Demos

OpenRPC Webinar




Hackathons & Events

  • ETHDenver 2020

The Future Is Readable: Uncommonly Sensible Perspectives on Protocol Design & Tooling — Isaac Ardis

ETC Core won the 1st place Snaps bounty winner at ETHDenver

ETC Labs/ Core in the media

