Top Stories published by Ethos News in 2016

A Victim of Anorexia: How to Tell

As outlined by DSM-5 guidelines, anorexia nervosa includes restrictive energy intake even lower than daily requirements, extreme fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, and denial of increasingly lower body weight. What does a victim of anorexia look like and how can…

Transgenderexia: One and the Same?

This past August President Paul Monagle of the conservative lobby group known as The Australian Family Association sent an e-mail to its members advising them to tell family and friends that being transgender “is the same as having an eating disorder,” particularly…

The Prison Problem: Harsh Sentences for Drug Users

This past February, Brandon Stanton, owner of the famous blog, Humans of New York, wrote on stories of inmates around the Northeastern United States. Many of the inmates shared their story about how they were imprisoned due to drug-related…

These were the top 10 stories published by Ethos News in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.