Everdragons2 Sale on Polygon

Emanuele Cesena
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2021

UPDATE: we're selling the Everdragons2 Governance Tokens. Read more.
(The rest of this article is obsolete, we'll post an updated version.)

It’s time! We will soon open the sale of 10,001 collectible Everdragons2 non-fungible tokens (NFT).

First and foremost, BEWARE OF SCAMS. Do not click on any link except the ones we publish in our official Discord channel. The sale will happen on https://everdragons2.com — easy and simple. No weird domains, no weird links, no emails or direct messages from us. Direct message = scammer, not matter how official it may look.


  • Sale will be on https://everdragons2.com.
  • You’ll need Metamask with enough MATIC on the Matic network to make your purchase.
  • The sale is a Dutch Auction. Price starts at 5,000 MATIC, drops 1% every minute, reaches the floor of 200 MATIC in about five hours.
  • No panic nor FOMO, there are plenty of tokens. We expect most people to buy during the last hour, though of course, we cannot guarantee.
  • Winners of discount in the dutch auction will see their discounted price once they connect their wallet.
  • Winners of prize tokens (dragon eggs) do not have to worry; we will airdrop their eggs to them before the sale.
  • Owners of original Everdragons NFTs will be able to claim their Everdragons2 tokens during the 24 hours before the auction, and during the auction, as for the winners above.

1. Install MetaMask

First things first, install MetaMask in order to receive and store tokens, NFTs, etc.

2. Add Polygon to Metamask

You have two options, semi-automatic and manual.

Go to Chainlist, search for Polygon Mainnet, click first to Connect Your Wallet and then to Add to Metamask. If that doesn’t work, you can do it manually following these instructions.

3. Buy MATIC and Send Them to Metamask

You can buy MATIC on many exchanges.
Look at the section Where can you get MATIC? at

How much MATIC? That depends on you, how many dragons you’d like to mint, and the price you’re willing to pay. Once you get MATIC, you should transfer them to your MetaMask wallet address. In MetaMask, you should be able to see a non-zero amount of MATIC.

4. Get Your NFT and Become a Dragon Rider

When the sale starts, head to https://everdragons2.com and you will see the current price with a button to mint = buy your dragon(s).

5. Discounts & Free Tokens

If you’re eligible for a discount in the dutch auction, once you connect your wallet you’ll see your discounted price. Remember: discount means you’ll get to a lower price before anyone else, the floor remains 200 MATIC for everyone.

To get a discount you must be an active member of our Discord community: your discount depends on your level and the number of invites you made.

If you’re eligible for a free mint, please remember you still need to pay transaction fees. On Polygon these are extremely low, 0.1 MATIC is likely more than enough for a mint, but please be aware that you can’t mint tokens with an empty wallet.

To win a free token, play Goldmine and score as high as you can.



Emanuele Cesena

Forging the Everdragons2 NFT. Former security at Pinterest.