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Charity Miles

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
EMC’s blog was retired in 2018. Stay updated at https://everymothercounts.org/on-the-front-lines/ where we share information, perspectives and stories that help make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere.
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Gene Gurkoff — The Man Behind Charity Miles

This month we’re challenging our supporters to take the Marathon Month Challenge: Download the Charity Miles app on your smart phone and use it to log at least one mile of running or walking per day throughout November

Marathon Month Challenge Starts Today!

This Sunday, November 3rd, Team EMC is running the ING NYC Marathon. This Sunday, November 3rd, Team EMC is running the ING NYC Marathon. Our team of 50 runners will pound out 26.2 miles through New York City streets along with 45,000 other marathoners from all…

Climb With Fynn!

Let’s continue showing Fynn how proud we all are of his effort. 

He’s climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise awareness and funds for EMC and he’s almost 1/3 of the way to his 10K effort. If you can donate to his Crowdrise page, that’s great. If you’ve found your own way to climb with Fynn — send us a…

The Real, Real Truth About Prenatal Exercise

Yesterday we talked about how bodyweight impacts pregnancy. Today, let’s talk about how exercise affects pregnancy.

You don’t need doctors, researchers and statisticians to tell you what you know instinctively: When you…