Go to Everything’s Interesting
Everything’s Interesting
what’s worth thinking about — at the movies, on tv, and more
Note from the editor

The physicist Richard Feynman said: “I don’t know anything, but I do know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” Writer Keri Smith puts it a slightly different way in her book HOW TO BE AN EXPLORER OF THE WORLD: “Everything is interesting. Look closer.” And I feel that way about film. I think everything — even the worst movie you can imagine — is worth thinking about and discussing on some level. I think at the very least, all movies can teach us something about our culture, about what we value in our art — and ideally, they can teach us something about ourselves. That is… as long as we’re willing to engage with them, instead of dismissing them out of hand, as so much of today’s cynical culture of internet criticism encourages us to do. So, I want EVERYTHING’S INTERESTING to be a place where I can get out my thoughts on various movies and TV shows, taking up whatever angle and critical discourse I feel is most appropriate for that text. And I welcome your input! Let’s look closer.

Go to the profile of Eric Langberg
Eric Langberg
Interests: bad horror movies, queering mainstream films, Classic Hollywood.