Go to Expected Behavior Blog
Expected Behavior Blog
We're a team of friends who build awesome software together. We run Instrumental, a super duper high-scale server and application monitoring tool, and DocRaptor, an HTML-to-PDF conversion API. This blog is just random things we've learned along the way.
Note from the editor

We're a team of friends who build awesome software together. We run Instrumental, a super duper high-scale server and application monitoring tool, and DocRaptor, an HTML-to-PDF conversion API. This blog is just random things we've learned along the way.

Go to the profile of Tony Dewan
Tony Dewan
I design and build software at @eb, among other things.
Go to the profile of Matt Gordon
Matt Gordon
Founder of Expected Behavior, Rubyist, Project Manager
Go to the profile of Joel Meador
Joel Meador
Partner at Expected Behavior, proud papa, and sometimes software developer, gardener, and woodworker. Co-creator of DocRaptor and developer of Instrumental.
Go to the profile of Expected Behavior
Expected Behavior
Official account for Expected Behavior. You can tweet us at @EB.
Go to the profile of James Paden
James Paden
I like to build things and then iterate on them. Partner at Expected Behavior. We run Instrumental and DocRaptor. I also really like bourbon and board games.
Go to the profile of Jason Gladish
Jason Gladish
Co-founder of Expected Behavior, where I play with cool tech for Instrumental and DocRaptor. I love dad jokes almost as much as I love software.
Go to the profile of Jonathon Fruchte
Jonathon Fruchte
Wearer of sales, account management, support and other non-development hats at Expected Behavior.
Go to the profile of Nathan Acuff
Nathan Acuff
It was the best of languages, it was the worst of languages. It was the age of objects, it was the age of functional. It was the epoch of… software.
Go to the profile of Alex Overbeck
Go to the profile of David Ronk