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Mental Health

Experience Design for PTSD
Experience Design for PTSD
This study explored the PTSD experience with a human-centred design approach to uncover the underlying human needs behind the symptoms. Special thanks to design studio Common Good for supporting this project.
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8. Discussion and Recommendations

This article is part of a research study publication on Experience Design for PTSD. This section reflects on the role of design within the domains of mental health care and PTSD. Recommendations for further research and design work are suggested.

5. PTSD Theoretical Background

This article is part of a research study publication on Experience Design for PTSD. This section provides a definition, diagnostic criteria, background information on trauma and its neurological reactions in the body as well as common treatment approaches for PTSD.

4. Ethical Issues

This article is part of a research study publication on Experience Design for PTSD. This section discusses five aspects of ethical considerations related to designing digital-based interventions for mental health care.

3. Digital Interventions For Mental Health

This article is part of a research study publication on Experience Design for PTSD. This section discusses the current digital trends in the context of mental health. An overview of the most common mHealth categories is presented and their functionality

2. Social Need

This article is part of a research study publication on Experience Design for PTSD. This section introduces the mental health care context in the UK and presents the case for innovation need in this area.