Exploring Wellness Is Closed for Submissions

Jennifer Geer
Exploring Wellness
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2 min readApr 18, 2022
Photo by www.Florida-Guidebook.com on Unsplash

Dear Exploring Wellness writers and readers,

Exploring Wellness is now closed for submissions. I will keep the publication open as an archive of stories, but the publication is closed to new articles.

Thank you to everyone who follows, writes for, or has ever read an article on Exploring Wellness. And a special thank you to the writers that have graced this publication with their informative and engaging articles.

It’s been a great learning experience to start and manage a publication on Medium. However, I’m looking to simplify my life, and managing a publication involves a certain amount of unpaid work that I no longer have the time to devote. Publications need marketing, articles need reviewing and editing, new writers need to be added, and it all takes time that I’d rather spend working on other projects.

If you have articles published in Exploring Wellness, you have two options. You can keep your article here where it will stay and can still be found and read on Medium. Or if you choose, feel free to remove your stories and add them to another publication or even self-publish.

If you’re looking for another health and wellness publication to write for, there are many on Medium. I suggest that you check out In Fitness and Health. I have no affiliation with these folks, but I enjoy the publication. It seems like a great place to write and read good material.

Or, if you’re looking for a publication that accepts a wide variety of topics, check out Illumination, where I am currently a volunteer editor. You can fill out this form to get started as a writer. And here are the submission guidelines for Illumination.

Thank you again to everyone for your support! I’m sure I’ll see you around on Medium.



Jennifer Geer
Exploring Wellness

Writer, blogger, mom, owner of pugs, wellness enthusiast, and true crime obsessed.