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Canada’s first multidisciplinary open access science journal
Long-Term Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation in Freshwater Marshes: Insights from the Big Creek…
Long-Term Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation in Freshwater Marshes: Insights from the Big Creek…
Freshwater marshes are widespread in Canada and contain important stores of carbon, particularly in soils.
Canadian Science Publishing
Feb 5
The Development and Influence of Conservation Easement Policies in Canada: A Policy Transfer…
The Development and Influence of Conservation Easement Policies in Canada: A Policy Transfer…
Conservation Easements (CEs) are a private land conservation (PLC) tool where landowners voluntarily sell part of their property rights for…
Canadian Science Publishing
Feb 4
Helping land trusts prepare for a changing climate
Helping land trusts prepare for a changing climate
Much of the land in North America is privately owned. Protection of the natural environment in this region therefore greatly depends on…
Canadian Science Publishing
Feb 4
Learning from the Past: How Canada Can Restore Its Endangered Wildlife
Learning from the Past: How Canada Can Restore Its Endangered Wildlife
Canada is one of the largest countries in the world and is revered for its vast landscapes, rugged wilderness, and iconic wildlife…
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 29
x and its association with physical exercise protects against acute lung injury
x and its association with physical exercise protects against acute lung injury
Acute Lung Injury is a common inflammatory condition worldwide that affects the lungs, often triggered by sepsis and trauma. It severely…
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 28
Overview of Canadian systems for hospital transfers
Overview of Canadian systems for hospital transfers
The article discusses interhospital transfer coordination structures in Canada and how they operate.
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 27
A call to protect carbon in Canada’s ocean floor
A call to protect carbon in Canada’s ocean floor
In an attempt to halt and reverse the decline of marine biodiversity, Canada has joined commitments to put 25% of its seas into marine…
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 17
COVID-19 stressors and associations with self-rated health, symptoms of mental health problems…
COVID-19 stressors and associations with self-rated health, symptoms of mental health problems…
The goal of our study was to understand what stressors parents reported during the COVID-19 pandemic and how these stressors may have been…
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 10
How Indigenous Knowledge on Caribou can help with Species-at-Risk Recovery Planning
How Indigenous Knowledge on Caribou can help with Species-at-Risk Recovery Planning
Indigenous Knowledge (IK) is often requested for species-at-risk recovery planning, but more guidance is needed on what IK is gathered and…
Canadian Science Publishing
Jan 7
Advancing Equity and Resilience: Insights from the Food SINERGY Global Forum on Food System…
Advancing Equity and Resilience: Insights from the Food SINERGY Global Forum on Food System…
Food Systems Innovation to Nurture Equity and Resilience Globally (Food SINERGY) is an international collaboration network that was…
Canadian Science Publishing
Dec 18, 2024
Canada needs a national strategy to conserve plants
Canada needs a national strategy to conserve plants
If you asked them to name a species at risk, many Canadians might suggest a furry creature like caribou or polar bear. But the quiet green…
Canadian Science Publishing
Dec 2, 2024
Adolescent and young adult experiences of stress and poor mental health during the COVID-19…
Adolescent and young adult experiences of stress and poor mental health during the COVID-19…
Adolescents and young adults may have experienced unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not a lot of research has been conducted…
Canadian Science Publishing
Nov 20, 2024
Forging New Paths: The Atlantic First Nations Water Authority and Two-Eyed Seeing in Water…
Forging New Paths: The Atlantic First Nations Water Authority and Two-Eyed Seeing in Water…
The Atlantic First Nations Water Authority (AFNWA) is the first Indigenous-owned and operated water and wastewater utility in Canada…
Canadian Science Publishing
Nov 18, 2024
Preserving Biodiversity: The Role of Natural Vegetation in Countering Insect Decline Near Farmlands
Preserving Biodiversity: The Role of Natural Vegetation in Countering Insect Decline Near Farmlands
Like many other types of organisms, the abundance and variety of insects in many places has been steadily declining over recent decades…
Canadian Science Publishing
Nov 8, 2024
Preventing Exposure of Rabies from Bats to People
Preventing Exposure of Rabies from Bats to People
Annually, over 50,000 people die from rabies, mainly from dog bites and the transfer of rabies virus (RABV) in their saliva. Pre-exposure…
Canadian Science Publishing
Nov 8, 2024
Responding to Spills in Freshwater Ecosystems: A Risk Management Case Study from a Fly Ash Spill in…
Responding to Spills in Freshwater Ecosystems: A Risk Management Case Study from a Fly Ash Spill in…
Early action at a spill site may help mitigate the escalation of risk to the environment, yet the role of the practitioner to determine…
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 28, 2024
Impoundment shell disease: a transcriptomic immune perspective about an ignored lobster disease
Impoundment shell disease: a transcriptomic immune perspective about an ignored lobster disease
The American lobster fishery is the most commercially important fishery in Canada. Lobsters caught in the winter can be stored alive in…
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 28, 2024
Assessing Climate Vulnerability in Canada’s Marine Protected Areas: Enhancing Resilience through…
Assessing Climate Vulnerability in Canada’s Marine Protected Areas: Enhancing Resilience through…
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are crucial tools to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem functions under climate change, but their long-term…
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 23, 2024
DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity in Canada: Progress, Gaps, and the Path Forward for Conservation
DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity in Canada: Progress, Gaps, and the Path Forward for Conservation
Our world is facing a serious problem — many plants and animals are disappearing because of human activities.
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 18, 2024
Migratory behaviour of Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) in a fragmented riverscape
Migratory behaviour of Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) in a fragmented riverscape
In temperate rivers, where environmental conditions vary seasonally, fish may migrate to ideal summer, spawning, and winter habitats if…
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 9, 2024
Wáwádi, Bull Kelp, can be used as an indicator of climate stress
Wáwádi, Bull Kelp, can be used as an indicator of climate stress
Kelps were chosen as biological indicators for marine plan implementation in Heiltsuk territory and the Northern Shelf Bioregion because of…
Canadian Science Publishing
Oct 2, 2024
Fishing vessels match the ideal free distribution of groundfish across boundaries in the Northwest…
Fishing vessels match the ideal free distribution of groundfish across boundaries in the Northwest…
The problems with using catch data alone to find stock abundance in fisheries have become more well known.
Canadian Science Publishing
Sep 23, 2024
Harnessing Ancient Shellfish Data for Modern Coastal Restoration: A Case Study from Tseshaht First…
Harnessing Ancient Shellfish Data for Modern Coastal Restoration: A Case Study from Tseshaht First…
Coastal archaeological sites often contain abundant evidence of ancient shellfish use by Indigenous peoples.
Canadian Science Publishing
Sep 16, 2024
Mental Health and Farming: How Stress Impacts Farmers, Their Families, and Their Farms
Mental Health and Farming: How Stress Impacts Farmers, Their Families, and Their Farms
In several countries, farmers face many occupational stressors and have higher levels of depression, anxiety, burnout, thoughts of suicide…
Canadian Science Publishing
Sep 11, 2024
Building a Better Health Research System in Canada: Insights and Actions from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Building a Better Health Research System in Canada: Insights and Actions from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic changed health research in Canada. Some of these changes were positive — for example, we completed, shared, and used…
Canadian Science Publishing
Sep 6, 2024
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