Welcome to The Fascinator

The Official Fascinate Me Fiction Newsletter

Meghan E. Gattignolo
Fascinate Me Fiction


3 min read2 days ago


This woman wants to fascinate you with great story inspiration! Image created with https://hotpot.ai/ai-image-generator

Hello Friends! Welcome to the very first edition of the FMF Newsletter: The Fascinator.

This newsletter is a long time in coming, and I sincerely hope you find it to be a useful addition to our little FMF galaxy.

Going forward, The Fascinator will replace news and updates, so we can use more of the homepage for stories and special highlights.

And boy, do I have news for you!:

  • Discord News and Shout-Outs
  • New Sister Publication
  • Fun Collaborative Fiction Announcement

Member Shout-Outs

First of all, I want to do a special shout-out to two FMF players that are sincerely invested in our publication’s fascinating future:

John Alexander

If you’ve been following along with FMF events, you may remember John from FMF’s first story contest. He won the historical 2nd place spot for his superb sci-fi tale “My First Lunar Ultramarathon”

John is an early-adopter to the new Discord server for FMF writers, and has been contributing ideas to upcoming writing events. He has claimed a significant role in shaping FMF into the fun and collaborative place we know if can be!

I have given all FMF writers the key to shaping the publication’s future on our server, so please join us!


Tabitha is another early-adopter of the FMF Discord. She has been an active participant in discussions taking place there as well and has offered a lot of her own thoughts.

Tabitha has been very active in spreading the word about FMF’s existence, letting other publications know about us and sharing articles around her sphere of influence. She’s also written some articles about FMF on our sister publication, Passages Through Writing.

New Publication Announcement

If you haven’t check out PTW, please do. Passages Through Writing has existed for almost as long as FMF, but until recently I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Tabitha and John — who I’ve dubbed PTW contributing editors — have great ideas about making PTW the official writer’s advice column and helpful-document file cabinet designed specifically for FMF writers.

Right now, we have some call-to-action articles and suggestions about how to break writer’s block. I’ve left a few older articles that I think are relevant and helpful to all writers. In the future, this supporting publication will be integral to your future as an FMF writer, so make sure you click “follow” on that one!

New Collaborative Event!

For a while now, I’ve been stewing on ideas to make FMF more collaborative. This is where Discord has been extremely helpful. We’ve been able to discuss different ideas about how to encourage more interaction among writers.

The first idea FMF will institute is MacGuffin Mayhem!

What is a MacGuffin, you ask out loud to the empty room you’re sitting in?

I’ve written an article all about MacGuffins and how we will use them on FMF, so make sure you read that to stay informed.

MacGuffin Mayhem is a writing game we will play to connect with other writers and inspire each other. Look out for the article explaining the game and the parameters.

Writers who play may get a future spotlight on the newsletter, so do your best!

Thanks for reading our very first newsletter!

Make sure to subscribe to stay informed!

