Fearless Wallet Ecosystem Updates #79, July 10, 2024

Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet
Published in
3 min read3 days ago

New iOS, Android, and browser extension features, support for new tokens, strategic partnerships, and more.

Welcome to the latest Fearless Wallet Ecosystem Updates! This month, exciting updates for Fearless Wallet browser extension, iOS and Android platforms. Let’s dive in!

🖥 Desktop Updates

Fearless Wallet Browser Extension v2.5.2 is now live.

What’s new?

  • Polkaswap Liquidity Pools Support: Seamlessly manage liquidity on SORA Mainnet with full Polkaswap integration.
  • Ethereum JSON Backup Compatibility: Easily backup and switch Ethereum wallets using JSON files, compatible with Metamask.
  • Performance & UI/UX Enhancements: Enjoy a faster, sleeker app with improved user interface and performance.

🍎 iOS Updates

  • Polkaswap Liquidity Pools integration is in the final stage of testing
  • New bridges and XCM routes:
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Liberland (ready for release)
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Acala (ready for release)
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Astar (ready for release)

⚙️ Addressing technical debt

🤖 Android Updates

The upcoming v3.6.1 is being worked on, with these features and updates:

  • Polkaswap Liquidity Pools integration → in progress
  • New bridges and XCM routes:
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Liberland (ready for release)
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Acala (ready for release)
  • SORA Mainnet ↔ Astar (ready for release)

⚙️ Addressing technical debt

🍎 🤖 New builds and service updates released for both iOS and Android.

🔥 Convenient and user-friendly “Asset management” screen

🔥 OKLink data provider and OKX Block Explorer support

🔥 Connection management optimization

🔥 UI & UX and performance optimisations

And iOS v3.6.4 and Android v3.5.3–5 were released shortly after.

⚙️ Kusama and upcoming Polkadot runtime upgrade, which impacts extrinsic structure.

New tokens on the SORA mainnet, including $KEN, $KUSD, $APOLLO, $TON, $LLM, and $LLD.

🚀 Collaborations and future initiatives

🤝 OKLINK collaboration and preparations for an upcoming AMA

🤝 Preparation ahead of the IVS conference in Kyoto

🤝 Introductory meeting with the FinchPay team

🤝 Exploring potential partnership opportunities with Cede Labs

🤝 Meeting and future plans discussion with the DMail team

Fearless Wallet’s innovation and drive for the future never stop!

Bottom Line

These continuous improvements and strategic partnerships underscore Fearless Wallet’s commitment to innovation and a user-centric approach.

Stay Fearless!

If you missed the previous updates: June 5 / April 23 / March 25 / February 29 / January 29 / 2023 Year in Review / December 15 / November 19 / October 26 / October 4 / September 18 / August 31 / August 18 / July 28 / July 4 / June 16.

About Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is a mobile wallet and browser extension tailored for the expansive horizons of the Polkadot, SORA, and Ethereum ecosystems. Superior user interface, 80+ networks, DEX integration, and access to Web3 applications. Users own their tokens and interact directly with their favorite blockchain network

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Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is designed especially for the DeFi future on Polkadot and Kusama. iOS and Android native apps, the best UX, fast performance, secure accounts.