Top Stories published by ThoughtWorks Featured Insights in September of 2017

Slicing your development work as a multi-layer cake

By: Luis Mizutani

In Agile projects, the goal is usually broken down into discrete units of work that describes a feature or ability to perform an action from an end-user perspective. These blocks of work are…

Social responsibility that goes beyond CSR

By Tina Vinod

At ThoughtWorks, we have seen how technology is never a solution (just) by itself, mainly because of what we have learned from our experience of working with humanitarian organizations from across the world.

Moving to the center of the customer’s universe

By Miranda Hill

Data is to this century what oil was to the last one: a driver of growth and change. Flows of data have created new infrastructure, new businesses, new monopolies, new politics and — crucially — new

ThoughtWorks Featured Insights
Essays on Technology, Innovation, Product Strategy and Leadership. Readers favorites and editors choices from ThoughtWorks Insights.
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