10 Meeting Agenda Templates for Highly Productive Meetings

Fellow app
Published in
7 min readSep 15, 2020

Using a meeting agenda template for every meeting will help you save time and create consistency across all of your conversations.

Meeting templates will also ensure the most important and relevant things are discussed at every meeting. Saving and reusing the same template will build the habit of meeting preparation across your team, and everyone will know exactly what needs to be prepared.

Here are 10 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help you have productive and meaningful meetings:

  1. Weekly team meeting agenda template
  2. Daily standup agenda template
  3. One-on-one meeting template
  4. Project kickoff meeting template
  5. Project status meeting template
  6. Project retrospective meeting template
  7. Board meeting minutes template
  8. Non-profit board meeting template
  9. Scrum meeting template
  10. All-hands meeting template

⭐️ Pro Tip: Try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates!

1. Weekly team meeting agenda template

A template for your weekly staff meetings

  • Updates: Company announcements, metrics, and industry trends that everyone on the team should be aware of.
  • Big picture: Review team goals, metrics, and roadmap.
  • Priorities: Set clear priorities for the next sprint (or period of time before you meet again).
  • Roadblocks: Ask the team if they see (or can predict) any factors that could prevent them from getting their work done.
  • Shoutouts: Add a shoutouts section to your team meeting agenda and encourage teammates to acknowledge each other for their great work. This will be a great way to end the meeting and build a positive team culture.
  • Action items: Last but not least, you should never end a meeting without clear action items and takeaways.

2. Daily standup agenda template

A template for your daily standup meetings

  • What did I do yesterday: First, everyone shares their progress on the team’s weekly goals
  • What will I accomplish today: Then, employees give a quick update on the things they plan to accomplish today. Writing these things down in your meeting agenda app is a great way to keep everyone accountable.
  • Obstacles/blockers: This includes any cross-departmental blockers, dependencies, and technical limitations.

3. One-on-one meeting template

A template for your one-on-one meetings with direct reports

  • What’s top of mind: These could be all the random questions that they wrote throughout the week, important updates, or personal news.
  • Wins: Recognize your direct reports for their good work and stay in the loop about their contributions to the team.
  • Learnings: Inquire about your direct report’s learnings to promote a growth mindset across your team.
  • Priorities: Spend some time reviewing and reorganizing your direct report’s projects, and finding ways to help them be more productive.
  • Challenges: Ask employees about the roadblocks that stand in their way.
  • Team: In this section, you can ask employees about their relationships with their fellow teammates.
  • Feedback: Ask for feedback, recognize your employees for their great work, and share recommendations on how they can improve.
  • Career development: Revisit your direct report’s professional development plan.

4. Project kickoff meeting template

A template for your project kickoff meetings

  • Background: Illustrate why this project is being rolled out, what you would like to achieve, and how to make that achievement possible.
  • Purpose: Creating a clear and concise mission statement is an essential component of your project kickoff meeting agenda.
  • Scope: Get into the scope details, such as specific tasks, activities and any problems that need to be solved.
  • Timeline: Define your deliverables, resources, milestones and handoffs.
  • Roles: Address the specific roles of each contributing member.
  • Questions: Clarify any misunderstandings and address any other questions or concerns that your team may have.

5. Project status meeting template

A template to check-in on the status of your project

  • Updates: Celebrate any recent successes and reiterate the overall project objective and let everyone speak about what they’re working on.
  • Roadblocks: Review the challenges that are preventing the team from finishing the project and identify who needs to be involved in follow-up discussions.
  • Open action items: At the end of the meeting, review next steps, adjust upcoming deadlines and look ahead to future milestones.

6. Project retrospective meeting template

A template to run effective project retrospective meetings

  • Recap of the project: A brief synopsis of the initial expectations and deliverables of our project.
  • Recap of the outcome: Identify what went well and differently from the anticipated workflow.
  • Opportunities: Discuss the project challenges and areas where the team could improve.

7. Board meeting minutes template

A template to take minutes in a board meeting

  • Names of attendees: Document the names of all of the meeting participants and any individuals who were unable to attend.
  • Reports: Updates from officers, standing committees, and any special committees.
  • Old business: Discuss unresolved items from previous meetings.
  • New business: Discuss new agenda items and talking points.
  • Closing: Include the date and time of adjournment and date and time for the next meeting.
  • Action items: Assign specific action items and next steps.

8. Non-profit board meeting template

  • Call to order: Declare that the meeting is officially underway.
  • Mission statement: Include and read the organization’s mission statement on the agenda as a reference and focus.
  • Individual reports: Executive director, Finance committee, Governance committee, Program committee, Fundraising committee, etc.
  • New business: Discuss new agenda items and review any follow-up actions that board members promised to take.

9. Scrum meeting template

A template for agile teams

  • Blockers: Ask your team if there are any blockers or challenges preventing them from getting their work done.
  • What did I do yesterday: Quick overview of everyone’s work and activities.
  • What are my goals for today: Attendees explain their priorities for the day.
  • Confidence level: How close is your team to hitting the sprint goals?

10. All-hands meeting template

  • Business updates: Present key numbers from the past month and review how those results compare with your goals.
  • Wins and shoutouts: Boost team morale by congratulating different teams for any successful projects and initiatives.
  • Team spotlight: Ask different departments to present at every meeting.
  • Q&A: Employees write down questions for the CEO the leadership team.
  • Reminders: Finish your all-hands meeting with important reminders. These can include upcoming events, launches, and any initiatives that need everyone’s support.

Productive meetings start with an agenda

Meetings being booked without a purpose or going completely off-topic? Fellow’s collaborative approach transforms meetings into productive work sessions you’ll want to attend.

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