10 Meeting Agenda Templates for Dynamic Design Teams

Facilitate productive meetings and connect every part of your design team with these meeting agenda templates.

Fellow app
7 min readNov 3, 2022


A team meeting agenda can assist design teams plan all their design assets, specs, and projects. A meeting agenda can also encourage cross-functional collaboration with other teams such as Engineering or Product.

Here are 10 meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help your design team have dynamic and creative meetings:

  1. First 1-on-1 with Product Designer
  2. Design Discovery Workshop Agenda Template
  3. Design Brainstorm Meeting Template
  4. Design and Engineering Handoff Meeting Template
  5. Design Review Meeting Template
  6. Design Asset Review Meeting Template
  7. Design Brief Meeting Template
  8. Design Team Training Meeting Template
  9. Weekly Design Review Session Agenda
  10. Team Meeting Agenda for Small Design Team

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates


First 1-on-1 with Product Designer

  • Welcome β€” Why are you excited to have them on the team? What difference do you see them making?
  • Check-in β€” Ask how the onboarding process is going for the employee.
  • Meeting context β€” Outline the setting and purpose for your one-on-one meetings.
  • About me β€” Learn about each other’s preferences, experiences and goals.
  • About you β€” Learn about each other’s preferences, experiences and goals.
  • Design goals and initiatives β€” Outline goals and initiatives the project coordinator will be working on.
  • Questions β€” Any questions about the design team, your role/goals/initiatives, onboarding, etc.

Design Discovery Workshop Agenda Template

  • Introductions β€” Take a few minutes to introduce attendees.
  • Workshop overview β€” Outline key elements of the design process, product vision, desirable outcomes, etc.
  • About the client β€” Describe some key aspects about the client, the business, and their specific goals.
  • Identify risky assumptions β€” Have a conversation about the desirability, feasibility, and viability of a new product idea.
  • User personas β€” Describe some characteristics of our users (behavioural patterns, goals, skills, attitudes).
  • User journey mapping β€” Visualizes how a user interacts with a product.
  • Feature prioritization β€” Prioritize the long list of product features for what’s most important, realistic, and urgent.
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) β€” Define the basic features that will initially be introduced to customers.

Design Brainstorm Meeting Template

  • Direction β€” Share the purpose of this design brainstorming session.
  • Ideas β€” Brainstorm design ideas that could be explored. Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
  • Potential directions β€” What potential directions can we take? How can we activate the ideas written above?
  • Action items β€” What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?
  • Notepad β€” Anything else to write down?

Design and Engineering Handoff Meeting Template

  • Overview β€” Provide a quick reminder as to what is the purpose and goal of this project are.
  • Design β€” Discuss what design elements or flows the team would like to cover.
  • Functional requirements β€” Review the functional requirements of the design.
  • Questions β€” Any technical questions about the design, flow or code?
  • Out of scope β€” Identify what is out of scope for this project to set realistic expectations for the deadline.
  • Action items β€” What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Design Review Meeting Template

Created by Sean Harris, Sr. Product Designer at AdRoll

  • Overview [5 min]β€” review the meeting agenda and answer any immediate questions.
  • Background [10 min] β€” Data about the user, value of the design to the user, business value and success KPIs
  • Conduct the design review [15 min] β€” Designated presenter(s) showcase the design while participants capture their feedback in the note.
  • Feedback lighting review and clustering [30 min] β€” As each talking point is reviewed, the facilitator should cluster related or similar content together.
  • Prioritization & next steps [30 min] β€” Determine next steps and action items to move the project forward.
  • Retro [15 min] β€” Measure your teams’ feelings about the meeting.

Design Asset Review Meeting Template

  • Deadline β€” Determine the deadline for the required assets.
  • Assets β€” Discuss what design assets need to be created for the launch.
  • Objectives β€” Discuss and review the objectives for each task.
  • Additional visuals β€” What additional visuals and assets need to be created?
  • Task distribution β€” Discuss who is responsible for what.
  • Action items β€” What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Design Brief Meeting Template

  • Design requirements β€” Provide a quick overview of the different design stages this project will require.
  • Opportunity β€” List any problems that you are looking to solve.
  • Goal β€” Identify the overall goals. What are we trying to achieve with this project?
  • Potential solutions β€” Brainstorm solutions how to address the problems listed above.
  • Potential roadblocks β€” Discuss potential roadblocks. What challenges should we anticipate and solve preemptively?
  • Resources β€” List the resources that the team will be working with.
  • Timeline β€” Outline the timeline for this project. List any specific deadlines.
  • Next steps β€” How is the work going to be distributed? Who is doing which task?

Design Team Training Meeting Template

  • Tool updates β€” List the specific tools we are reviewing. Any updates to share?
  • Specific feature updates β€” Discuss any specific features that are relevant to our tool.
  • Questions β€” Ask the team if they have any questions.
  • Action items β€” What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?

Weekly Design Review Session Agenda

  • Presentations β€” Provide each designer with a 10-minute opportunity to present what they are working on.
  • Feedback session β€” Share your thoughts. What needs improving? What did you like?
  • Action items β€” What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?

Team Meeting Agenda for Small Design Team

  • Goals and objectives [10 minutes] β€” Share current tasks, OKR progress and top priorities.
  • Learnings [15 minutes] β€” Share interesting articles you’ve read and useful links.
  • Quick design tip [5 minutes] β€” Share any quick design tips you’ve learned in the past week.
  • Main topics [25 minutes] β€” Discuss the main topics of the meeting, for instance, how will we adopt the latest trend?
  • Wrap up [5 minutes] β€” What is the outcome of this meeting? What are the action items?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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