11 Meeting Agenda Templates for Product Teams

Use these templates to keep everyone aligned and get your products out into the world faster.

Fellow app
7 min readOct 20, 2022



Creating a meeting agenda can help level-up your meeting productivity. But you don’t need to start from scratch!

A meeting agenda template can provide built-in structure, inspire your team to add content in advance, and reduce the need to type out the same headings over and over again.

The fate of a company is often determined by how well its product team works. But what makes a product team work well? Meetings. Teams who consistently hold productive meetings are much more likely to succeed.

Here are 11 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help you turn your Product meetings into an engine for improvement and innovation:

  1. First One-on-One Meeting with Product Manager
  2. First 1-on-1 CPO and CEO Meeting Template
  3. Product Release Meeting for Customer-Facing Teams Template
  4. Product and Design Sync Meeting Template
  5. User Feedback Session Template
  6. Product Sync Meeting Template
  7. First Product Team Meeting Agenda
  8. New Product Release Brainstorm Meeting Template
  9. Product Positioning Meeting Template
  10. Quarterly Product Strategy Meeting Template
  11. First Meeting of New Cycle Agenda

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates


First One-on-One Meeting with Product Manager

  • Welcome — Why are you excited to have them on the team? What difference do you see them making?
  • Check-in — Check-in and see how the employee is doing in the onboarding process (and being a new member of the team/company)
  • Meeting context — Outline the setting and purpose for your one on one meetings. Share what the employee can expect from you and what you expect from them.
  • About me — Learn about each other’s preferences, experiences and goals.
  • About you — Learn about each other’s preferences, experiences and goals.
  • Product goals and initiatives — Dive into what you will be working on, product goals and targets, role expectations, the team, etc.
  • Questions — Any questions about the team, your role/goals/initiatives, onboarding, etc.

First 1-on-1 CPO and CEO Meeting Template

  • Welcome — Introduce yourself and share the goal of this meeting.
  • Product history — Discuss the company history to understand the different iterations of the product better.
  • Product vision — Discuss the company vision of the product.
  • Resources — Access to relevant files, such as emails, customer/user research, specs, mocks, etc.

Product Release Meeting for Customer-Facing Teams Template

  • Meeting context — Describe the context of the meeting.
  • Demo — Provide a demo of the new product.
  • Pre-launch — Run through each team and their strategy for product pre-launch.
  • Post-Launch — Run through each team and their strategy for product post-launch.
  • Product Information — Provide additional information and resources about the new product for teams to use going forward.

Product and Design Sync Meeting Template

  • Review action items — Review outstanding action items from the previous meetings.
  • Priorities — What is top of mind for everyone on the team?
  • Roadblocks — List any roadblocks you (and the team) are facing.
  • Upcoming PRD — List any upcoming product requirements document that we will need to consider.
  • Product ideas — Discuss new product ideas.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting?

User Feedback Session Template

  • Introduction — Introduce yourself and share some information about this project.
  • Feedback — Gather overall feedback and determine a user’s impressions of a product.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are our next steps?
  • Notepad — Anything else to write down?

Product Sync Meeting Template

  • Updates — List any updates the teams or departments need to know about.
  • Cross-functional tasks — Discuss any cross-functional needs or tasks.
  • Feature release schedule — Keep an up-to-date list of all of your features with their expected release date here. Don’t check them off until the features are live so that they carry forward from week to week.
  • Insights — Add any major insights from customers here (From CS team or from Product Customer Interviews).
  • Data insights — Add any noteworthy insights from analytics data here.
  • Questions — Add any questions to discuss as a team here.

First Product Team Meeting Agenda

  • Getting to know each other — Icebreakers and questions to learn about everyone’s background/hobbies.
  • About your manager — A little bit about my experience, values, and preferred methods of communication.
  • Product Roadmap — Briefly discuss the product roadmap including why and what we are going to be producing.
  • Upcoming Releases — Inform the new manager of the next upcoming release.
  • Product Roundtable — Let’s provide a status update from each product team member on their current projects to bring our new manager up to speed.
  • Expectations — Meeting cadence, team values, and channels to exchange feedback.
  • Questions — What are some questions you’d like to ask me?

New Product Release Brainstorm Meeting Template

  • Goal — What goals or outcomes should be achieved with the new product release?
  • Features — List 3–5+ deliverables associated with this new product release.
  • Performance — Determine what performance metrics the new product release must hit.
  • Name of Product — What will the new product release be called?
  • Date — A release date or the timeframe for the product release.
  • Action Items — What are the next steps?
  • Notepad — Anything else to write down?

Product Positioning Meeting Template

  • 👤 Define your customer — Who would buy your product or service?
  • Define the problem — What pain point are you solving for your customer? How does this problem impact your customers?
  • 🔑 Define key market characteristics — What else do your customers usually buy? How do they buy it? What makes them switch products?
  • 📝 List the other companies in your market — Are these companies your potential partners? Potential competitors? What is their business model? How have they been successful? How have they failed? What is their biggest pain point?
  • 🚀 Design an elevator pitch — Your pitch should encompass your customers, their pain points, and how your product is uniquely positioned to solve their problem.
  • 👇 Narrow down your competitors — Now that you have your pitch, list your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses relative to your offering.

Quarterly Product Strategy Meeting Template

  • 👋 Introduction — Introduce the goals of the meeting, including an overview of the product strategy, key issues and product plan.
  • 🔬 Research and insights — Review any high-level research, learnings or insights that will affect our product plans and projects.
  • 💧 Individual swim lanes — Ask each product leader to present their product area and lead a discussion.
  • ➡️ Open issues — Keep a running list of open issues during the meeting and outline the next steps and timing.
  • Next steps — What are our next steps?

First Meeting of New Cycle Agenda

  • 📣FYI+ — Provide any updates or news your team should know.
  • 🎨 Review pitch and design — What do we have already to guide this project?
  • Initial questions — What initial questions do the developers have?
  • 📋 Remaining work — List all the remaining work.
  • 💭 Decisions — What decisions were made in this meeting?
  • 🔎Scope categories — Define areas of the projects to help track progress over the weeks.
  • Remaining questions — What haven’t we talked about that we need to talk about?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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