10 Meeting Agenda Templates from the Supermanagers Podcast

View a collection of meeting agenda templates created by our leader professionals guests from the Supermanagers podcast

Fellow app
7 min readSep 29, 2022


Supermanagers is brought to you by the team at Fellow.app, is a podcast for managers and leaders who want to excel at the art of leading teams and organizations.

Aydin Mirzaee, CEO at Fellow, interviews world class executives about the habits, thought patterns, learnings and experiences that help them be extraordinary at the fine craft of management. Over the last few years our guests have shared their custom meeting agenda templates which they use to host effective and efficient meetings with their teams.

Here are 10 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team and the Supermanagers’ guest to help ensure that your meetings are efficient and effective:

  1. Rémi Guyot’s Design Critique Session Template
  2. Renee Solorzano’s Quarterly Goals Template
  3. Cameron Herold’s Daily Huddle Meeting Template
  4. Lenny Rachitsky’s Product Management Meeting Template
  5. Colleen McCreary’s Chief People Officer 1:1 Meeting with Employees Template
  6. David Cancel’s Senior Leadership Team Meeting Template
  7. Polly’s Leadership Weekly Sync Agenda Template
  8. David Sacks’ SaaS Board Meeting Template
  9. Russ Laraway’s Career Development Conversation Meeting Template
  10. Ross Mayfield’s Product Pre-Mortem Meeting Template

🌟 Pro Tip: Listen to the Supermanagers podcast on Spotify, ApplePodcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Design Critique Session Template

Curated by Rémi Guyot, CPO at BlaBlaCar

  • First Thing that Rocks (10 minutes)— Each designer has 10 minutes to present their design, answer questions and gather feedback.
  • Second Thing that Rocks (10 minutes) —Each designer has 10 minutes to present their design, answer questions and gather feedback.
  • Third Thing that Rocks (10 minutes) — Each designer has 10 minutes to present their design, answer questions and gather feedback.
  • Forth Thing that Rocks (10 minutes) — Each designer has 10 minutes to present their design, answer questions and gather feedback.
  • Fifth Thing that Rocks (10 minutes) — Each designer has 10 minutes to present their design, answer questions and gather feedback.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Quarterly Goals Template

Curated by Renee Solorzano, Director of Product Design at Faire.

  • Quarterly Goal 1 — Discuss Top-level theme, Objective & Key result to shape the quarterly goal.
  • Quarterly Goal 2 — Discuss Top-level theme, Objective & Key result to shape the quarterly goal.
  • Quarterly Goal 3 — Discuss Top-level theme, Objective & Key result to shape the quarterly goal.

Daily Huddle Meeting Template

Curated by Cameron Herold, COO at Alliance and author of “Meetings Suck”.

  • Good news — Share anything positive that’s happened since the last huddle, including praise for fellow employees!
  • Numbers — Key metrics from your sales funnel.
  • Daily forecast — Do a daily forecast on the monthly and yearly revenue versus budget.
  • Department update — A glimpse into each business area and their top quarterly goals.
  • Missing systems / frustrations — Share challenge, as long as you ensure it is no- blame environment.
  • Cheer — Get people pumped to take on the workday.

Product Management Meeting Template

Curated by Lenny Rachitsky, PM Lead @ Airbnb, Founder/CEO and Software Engineer.

  • Manager Updates — What’s happening outside of the team?
  • Individual PMs — What’s happening within the team?
  • Q&A — Last but not least, leave time for questions from the team.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Chief People Officer 1:1 Meeting with Employees Template

Curated by Colleen McCreary, Chief People Officer at Credit Karma.

  • Motivation — Find out a lot about motivation, what they were looking for, and to some extent, what they were sold in terms of the vision.
  • Feedback — Ask for their opinion about specific processes, tools, and rituals.
  • Suggestions — After hearing the employee’s feedback, ask if there’s anyone else who might have thoughts or suggestions on the topics discussed above.
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Senior Leadership Team Meeting Template

Curated by David Cancel, CEO at Drift.

  • Dashboard overview — Ask all functional leads to present an overview of their team’s progress.
  • Observations and learnings — Discuss anecdotes from customers, feedback, and any other lessons that might benefit the leadership team as a whole.
  • Asks — Discuss what do the rest of the leadership team’s functional teams require as well as actions and follow-up.

Polly’s Leadership Weekly Sync Agenda Template

Curated by Deanna Sinclair is the Head of Business & People Ops at Polly

  • Share something (5–10 min) — Discuss personal or work-related topics the team is excited about for the coming week.
  • Numbers (15–20 min) — View the KPI dashboard for the operational, marketing, sales and revenue numbers.
  • Weekly team priorities (10min) — Round table of updates from each lead team member to discuss short-term work being completed by their teams.
  • Key projects (10 min) — Share an update from each lead team member on key longer-term initiatives (e.g. work towards quarterly OKRs).
  • Hard conversations (10–20min) — Discuss topics that were not covered in the meeting but should have been
  • Actions items (5 min) — What are the outcomes of this meeting?

SaaS Board Meeting Template

Curated by David Sacks — entrepreneur, investor, and general partner of Craft Ventures.

  • CEO Update- Wins, challenges, learnings, and KPIs.
  • Sales Updates- ARR, deals closed, objections, and forecast.
  • Departmental Updates- Product roadmap and updates from other departments.
  • Financials- Gross margin, financial plans and operational expenditure.
  • Team- What areas have the greatest need for new hires?
  • Administrative Matters- Housekeeping and administrative matters.
  • Action items- What came out of this meeting?

Career Development Conversation Meeting Template

Curated by Russ Laraway, Employee Experience Evangelist at Qualtrics and former executive at Twitter and Google.

  • Life Story — Understand people’s motivations and values, the things that drive them.
  • Dreams — Understand where people want to be at the pinnacle of their careers.
  • Career action plan — Create an eighteen-month plan.
  • Action items- What came out of this meeting?

Ross Mayfield: Product Pre-Mortem Meeting Template

Curated by Ross Mayfield, Product Lead, Zoom Apps & Integrations at Zoom

  • Summary — Who, What, When, Where, and Why of the project.
  • Team risk — Does this product team have the needed skills and expertise?
  • Technology risk — What is our problem dependency over time?
  • Product risk — Do we deeply understand the customer’s problem?
  • Market risk — Does distribution have direct, platform, and channel dependencies?
  • Lessons from failure — Describe how you managed your dependencies?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out some of our other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. There are over 400 templates to browse👇




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