10 Meeting Templates for Marketing Teams

Use these templates to help your marketing team run effective and productive meetings

Fellow app
7 min readJan 26, 2022


Creating meeting agenda can help level-up your meeting productivity. But you don’t need to start from scratch!

A meeting agenda template can provide built-in structure, inspire your team to add content in advance, and reduce the need to type out the same headings over and over again.

In marketing, it’s common to take part in a lot of different types of meeting. Keep them all running smoothly by using different meeting template for each one.

Here are 10 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help ensure that your Marketing meetings are efficient and effective:

  1. Quarterly SMarketing (Sales & Marketing) Meeting Template
  2. Weekly Performance Marketing Meeting Template
  3. Marketing Weekly Kickoff Meeting Template
  4. Strategic Marketing Plan Template
  5. Weekly Marketing Strategy and Projects Review Template
  6. 1-on-1 Marketing Manager and Marketing Coordinator Meeting Template
  7. Marketing Project Check-In Meeting Template
  8. Marketing Daily Agile Stand-Up Template
  9. Marketing Sprint Planning Template
  10. Marketing Campaign Kick-Off Meeting Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates

1. Quarterly SMarketing (Sales & Marketing) Meeting Template

  • Problems — What problems are we currently facing with our goals for the quarter?
  • Solution Brainstorm — What are possible solutions to the problems we identified?
  • Action Items — What came out of the meeting? What are the next steps?

2. Weekly Performance Marketing Meeting Template

  • Review Results from Last Week — What were our results on each channel from last week?
  • Goals for Next Week — What do we want to achieve next week?
  • Discussion Items — Things to talk about.
  • Action Items — What came out of the meeting? What are the next steps?

3. Marketing Weekly Kickoff Meeting Template

  • This Month’s Goals [Recap] — Summarize where we are at in terms of this month’s goals/targets.
  • Wins from Last Week — Whether big or small, share something that made you proud last week!
  • Insights & FYIs — Any insights/observations/ideas you came upon in the last week. Anything thought-provoking?
  • Puzzles — Any challenges that you are musing on?
  • Questions & Issues — Do you have any questions for other members of the team? Anything else we should discuss today?
  • Noteworthy Priorities for the Week — The key term here is “noteworthy”. Please only list the things that we should all be aware of.

4. Strategic Marketing Plan Template

  • Target Audience — Review different aspects of your target audience.
  • Product — Review different aspects of your product.
  • Strategy and Objectives — Review the goal statement and formulate relevant tasks
  • Budget — What are the projected costs?
  • Timeline — What is the projected timeline for today, for one week and for one month?
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?
  • Notepad — Anything else to write down?

5. Weekly Marketing Strategy and Projects Review Template

  • Revenue Metrics — Review the MRR/ARR and churn metrics. Discuss the growth trajectory and seasonality trends.
  • Funnel Metrics — Check the number of total and qualified leads for the past and ongoing week.
  • TOFU Metrics — Review the TOFU metrics (total number of unique users who visited the main page, blog, etc).
  • Paid Acquisition Metrics — Check-in on the performance of paid acquisition campaigns (Google, Facebook, and Twitter ads).
  • Content Marketing: New Items — Review the content team’s work and discuss the objectives for this and the following weeks.
  • SEO: New Items — Discuss the ongoing SEO projects.
  • Paid Acquisition: New Items — Discuss the priorities for the paid acquisition campaigns and possible ways to improve their performance.
  • Partnerships: New Items — Check-in on the status of the ongoing and new partnerships.
  • Admin — Discuss any costs, expenses, team members taking leave, etc.

6. 1-on-1 Marketing Manager and Marketing Coordinator Meeting Template

  • Recent Wins and Learnings — What did you accomplish last week? Anything you learned or could’ve done differently?
  • Project Updates — What projects and goals are you currently working on
  • Future Opportunities — What areas of development are you planning to work on? Any resources I can support you with?
  • Questions & Comments — Do you have any questions for me? This could involve questions about company processes, comments about our team dynamics, feedback on my management style, or anything else on your mind!
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are our next steps?
  • Notepad — Anything else to write down?

7. Marketing Project Check-In Meeting Template

  • Numbers and Goals — List the metrics you have achieved so far and the overall goals we are working towards.
  • Questions — Anything you’d like to ask or bring up at the meeting?
  • Updates — Discuss the overall status of the project and progress on individual objectives.
  • Learnings — Share new learnings or insights as you move through the project.
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are our next steps?

8. Marketing Daily Agile Stand-Up Template

  • What did you get done yesterday? — List what you got up to yesterday.
  • What are you planning to accomplish today? — List today’s action items
  • Which tasks moved to a new state in the marketing workflow? — List anything that has moved through a different stage in a marketing workflow.
  • Is there anything getting in your way? — List any roadblocks before we start the day.
  • Notepad — Anything to write down?

9. Marketing Sprint Planning Template

  • Day 1: Map and Refinement — Collect and review campaign goals, audience data, user journey and create a mock campaign.
  • Day 2: Sketch and Concept — All groups pitch their ideas and two are chosen to move forward
  • Day 3: Decide — One creative concept is chosen and the team must produce different variations of the concept.
  • Day 4: Prototype Create a prototype of how the campaign will look in the different marketing channels.
  • Day 5: Test — Present the refined pitch deck to an audience, ask for feedback and iterate.
  • Day 6: Retro — Gather feedback from the team to understand what went well and areas of improvement for the future.

10. Marketing Campaign Kick-Off Meeting Template

  • Campaign Overview — Provide details about the new campaign including purpose, goals and desired outcomes.
  • Campaign Goals — What do we hope to achieve with this new campaign?
  • Roles and Responsibilities — Discuss your teams role and responsibilities. Assign tasks to all members necessary.
  • Next Steps — Summarize what was discussed and talk about what needs to be completed for the next touchpoint.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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