9 Agile Meeting Agenda Templates to Energize your Team

Templates to ensure your agile teams work effectively to deliver requirements, plans, results and evaluate change quickly.

Fellow app
6 min readDec 29, 2022


The Scrum framework involves working in shorter time frames, called sprints or scrums, which provides time to adjust and to be more effective long-term.

A sprint or a scrum uses sets of intervals, where your team allocates a specific amount of time to each task. At the end of each scrum, everyone takes the time to evaluate their output.

Agile meetings (sprints, scrums, backlog grooming sessions, and sprint retrospectives) are an essential part of this framework.

Here are 8 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to lay out an agenda that will help your team better prepare for the sprint:

  1. Remote Scrum Team Agreement Template
  2. Daily Scrum Meeting Template
  3. Agile Project Kick-Off Meeting Template
  4. Effective Daily Standup Meeting Template
  5. Weekly Scrum Meeting Template
  6. Sprint 0 Session Meeting Template
  7. Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda Template
  8. Sprint Review Meeting Agenda Template
  9. Sprint Retrospective Meeting Agenda Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates.


Remote Scrum Team Agreement Template

  • Purpose — Outline the purpose of the meeting and why you are creating a Remote Scrum Team Agreement.
  • Tools — List the communication/work tools the team will be using.
  • Status beacons — Discuss status beacons with the team. What does each beacon mean?. This way the team will know when you’re available just by checking Slack.
  • Team golden hours — Have each team member list their best hours of the day for productive work.
  • Schedule of Scrum events — Outline what Scrum events will take place on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
  • Meeting etiquette — Present meeting etiquette that the facilitator can invoke at the start of each meeting.
  • Team member contact — Discuss the best ways to communicate as a team virtually.
  • Informal contact — Decide on any protocols for informal contact with colleagues such as coffee chats, remote lunches.
  • Stakeholder contact — List the stakeholders. What is the best way to communicate with them?
  • Dependency contact — Identify the person/people who the team should contact when in need of assistance.
  • Next steps — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Daily Scrum Meeting Template

  • What did you do yesterday? — Ask each member of the development team what they did yesterday.
  • What will you do today? — Ask each member of the development team what they will do today.
  • Are there any impediments in the way? — Ask each member of the development team if they are facing any impediments.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting?

Agile Project Kick-Off Meeting Template

  • Project Overview — Discuss a high-level project summary and the requirements of the effort.
  • Team roles — Introduce the team’s roles, responsibilities, and provide the chain of communication.
  • Scrum ceremonies — Introduce the supporting ceremonies and their value. Include the dates when these ceremonies are scheduled to happen.
  • Team norms — Do all parties have access to the working board?
  • Action plan — What is the outcome of this meeting? What are the action items?

Effective Daily Standup Meeting Template

  • What did I accomplish yesterday? — Share your progress on the sprint goals.
  • What will I do today? — Mention the things you plan to accomplish today.
  • What obstacles are impeding my progress? — Is there anything preventing you from getting your work done.

Weekly Scrum Meeting Template

  • Progress — Review all of the stories or tasks moved to the “demo” or “done” stage.
  • Slowed down — Share tasks that have not made the progress you were expecting.
  • Stopped — Share tasks that we have stopped working on.

Sprint 0 Session Meeting Template



  • Scrum Ceremonies — Discuss the schedule for the team’s ceremonies. What are the dates for upcoming events?
  • Team Norms — Discuss some important aspects of the project so everyone is on the same page.
  • Story Cards — Discuss the need for writing story cards and what is required for “ready” status.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?

Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda Template

  • Last Sprint — Celebrate what you achieved and discuss what wasn’t completed.
  • Backlog — The list of things we want to accomplish in this sprint.
  • Sprint Goal — Why are we implementing this these backlog items?
  • Team Availability — Clarify if any team members are unavailable to during the sprint.
  • Assign Backlog Items — What items/tickets is each person is focusing on during this sprint?

Sprint Review Meeting Agenda Template

  • Sprint goals — Evaluate the goals that were set for the last sprint.
  • Completed tasks — Review the sprint task list.
  • Demos — Review demos from the development team.
  • Feedback — Evaluate demos on whether or not they meet the users’ needs and improve functionality.
  • Key metrics — Review the key metrics or measurable outcomes.
  • Backlog — Predict the likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting Agenda Template

  • 🚥 The mood-o-meter — Take the temperature in the room by asking each person to share how they’re feeling after the sprint.
  • 🚀 What went well — Each team member member writes down what they think went well. Then, discuss those wins as a team.
  • 🤔 What didn’t go well — Following the same format, each team member shares anything that didn’t go as planned.
  • 💡 Any ideas? — Once any down-falls have been identified, the team is invited to brainstorm ideas that can be taken to improve problem areas.
  • 🙏 Thanks — Share moments of gratitude and shoutouts for individual team members.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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