5 Meeting Agenda Templates for Creative Out of the Box Meetings

Use these fun meeting templates to promote collaboration and innovation within teams.

Fellow app
5 min readOct 27, 2022


Meetings are an extremely important part of company culture and running fun, engaging meetings is a crucial and valuable skill.

A meeting agenda template can provide built-in structure, inspire your team to add content in advance, and reduce the need to type out the same headings over and over again.

If you want to host a productive, engaging meeting, you have to start off strong. Your meeting introduction will set the tone for the entire duration of the meeting so it’s important to be fun and creative with your approach. Taking the time to plan a creative start to your next meeting is a great way to ensure you don’t host any more boring meetings.

Here are 5 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to encourage your teams to think outside the box:

  1. G.O.O.D 1-on-1 Meeting Template
  2. Brainstorming Meeting Agenda Template
  3. Life on Mars Retrospective Meeting Template
  4. Weekly Astronaut Meeting (WAM) Template
  5. Disney Creative Strategy Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates


G.O.O.D 1-on-1 Meeting Template

Highlight goals, obstacles, opportunities, and decisions (G.O.O.D) with this 1-on-1 meeting template.

  • Goals —Let’s discuss our goals
  • Obstacles — Let’s discuss obstacles.
  • Opportunities — Let’s discuss opportunities.
  • Decisions — Let’s discuss decisions to be made.

Brainstorming Meeting Agenda Template

Provide structure to your brainstorming meetings to empower your team to share their ideas.

  • Goal — What’s our main objective?
  • Ground rules — Meeting etiquette everyone should follow.
  • Prompts — Questions to inspire new ideas and solutions.
  • Brainstorming — Write down individual ideas and go around the room explaining them.
  • Voting — What were your favourite ideas + why?
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Life on Mars Retrospective Meeting Template

Curated by Anna Iurchenko, UX Designer at Google Health, try this fun retrospective template to facilitate a great discussion.

  • What makes human life sustainable on Mars? — What keeps our project going, what we should continue doing?
  • What threatens life on Mars? — What should we stop doing?
  • What should we do to protect humans? — What action should we take to ensure progress?

Weekly Astronaut Meeting (WAM) Template

Tuan Nguyen (ed-tech entrepreneur and founder of HealthGenie) and his team created this meeting template as a fun way to get a high-level overview of the company and its operations..

  • Deeds — Let’s start with some self-props
  • Bleeds — Where did we bleed our resources? What can we do to prevent it?
  • Weeds — Did we face any challenges with our action items?
  • Feeds — What is the greatest opportunity for you, your project and your team this week?
  • Needs — What do you need in terms of support?
  • Exceeds — Honour someone by highlighting something they did.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting?

Disney Creative Strategy Template

This meeting template was inspired by Walt Disney’s own strategy planning technique, using a Realist, Dreamer, and Critic approach.

  • The Dreamer — Build a pool of creative ideas (no restrictions or criticism!). Determining the viable creative concepts comes later as a result of the second and third thinking styles.
  • The Realist — Now, let’s think in a more logical planning style. How can we apply these ideas in reality?
  • The Critic — In this section of the meeting, the team provides a constructive critique for the ideas in order to find the weak points and solve them in the final solution.
  • Action Items — Document key decisions and next steps.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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