Go to Fiction Shorts
Fiction Shorts
Where you’ll discover short fiction that makes you smile, laugh out loud, get a little choked up, or become inspired.
Note from the editor

Welcome to Fiction Shorts, the publication devoted to, well, short fiction. As of January 1st, 2024, it’s become home to the Random Daily Word Drabble Challenge. Check it out! This is your publication! A place to share your stories with the world. (Okay, with whoever stumbles across it.) Drabbles have taken over! I started with high hopes for this publication never dreaming it would become Drabble Central. We have a great editorial team and may eventually publish a book of short fiction. We have the best group of editors, all of whom are here to help you become successful! I hope you'll enjoy reading and writing with us!

Go to the profile of Nancy Oglesby
Nancy Oglesby
I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication
Go to the profile of Randy Pulley
Randy Pulley
Retired, enjoying finding the humor in life. Top Writer in Food.
Go to the profile of Lynn L. Alexander
Lynn L. Alexander
Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.
Go to the profile of Denée King
Denée King
Past the midway point of life and grateful to be here! Let me tell you a story. Happy Writer. Funny girl. Spiritual but not religious.
Go to the profile of Julia A. Keirns
Julia A. Keirns
Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.
Go to the profile of Adrienne Beaumont
Adrienne Beaumont
I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.
Go to the profile of Michael John Scott
Michael John Scott
Professor Mike, a passionate storyteller, holds a PhD but prefers weaving tales over academia. A devoted dog lover, he writes on Medium, Substack, and CNN.
Go to the profile of Harry Hogg
Go to the profile of Michael Rhodes
Michael Rhodes
Retired, married to a superwoman, we have a Corgi dog & two cats. I love baseball, Bonsai, and reading. Exploring life as it comes and happy with each new day.
Go to the profile of Karen Schwartz
Karen Schwartz
Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.
Go to the profile of Nevena Pascaleva
Nevena Pascaleva
A writer of evocative fiction and introspective personal essays. Owner of the publication "Tales of Blue".
Go to the profile of Jerry Dwyer
Jerry Dwyer
I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.
Go to the profile of & her ocean
& her ocean
casually surfing through her waves of thoughts
Go to the profile of Lilly Bell
Lilly Bell
Since retired, I have been tapping into my inner creativity. Been dormant for so many years. You know, marriage, raising kids, working etc.
Go to the profile of Scarlet Ibis James 🦩
Scarlet Ibis James 🦩
I am a writer, reader, essayist, published author and editor. https://www.scarletibisjames.com.
Go to the profile of Eva MacInnes
Eva MacInnes
(She, Her) I am a writer, an artist, a theater lover, and a freelance editor. I write a little bit of everything, whatever is on my mind at the moment.
Go to the profile of Leslie Flemons
Leslie Flemons
God first, New writer on Medium; I will write fiction, about religion and life in general. https://linktr.ee/leslieloo
Go to the profile of Adrian CDTPPW
Boost Nominator. Stalking the Medium feed. Good stories scouter. Hammock "Guru." Writing down his silly musings. Owner of Read or Die & Read or Die - HQ.
Go to the profile of Sarah S
Sarah S
Writer. Reviewer. Book Lover. Film Enthusiast. Dedicated to unravelling the magic of stories through insightful reviews and handpicked recommendations.
Go to the profile of Paula Shablo
Paula Shablo
Published Author. Loving daughter, mom, Grandma. Bona fide Geek with the graphic tees to prove it. Believer of all the fantastic things. Artist, musician & fan.
Go to the profile of Pamela Oglesby
Pamela Oglesby
I have been writing online for 15 years. I have won 5 Medium top writer awards,. I write about medical issues, human interest and relationship stories..
Go to the profile of Patricia Timmermans
Patricia Timmermans
With my guide dog, Cooper, I volunteer at the CNIB and visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss. Dogs and kids’ questions make the best stories. 🇨🇦
Go to the profile of Vera-Marie Landi
Vera-Marie Landi
I'm a retired systems analyst and love to spend time writing, walking, hanging out with grandchildren, baking, and dancing on occasion.
Go to the profile of Lynn L. Alexander
Lynn L. Alexander
Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.
Go to the profile of Pat Douglas
Go to the profile of Hermione Wilds Writes: writer, artist, editor, mum
Hermione Wilds Writes: writer, artist, editor, mum
Top writer: Art 2023; Editor; Awards-nominated writer; B A (Hons) English Lit', MA Creative Writing; editor, 'All's Well' & 'Shoe Love Mag', Mum to 5. (NO AI!)
Go to the profile of Daphne Nguyen
Daphne Nguyen
A 20-something-year-old learning her way through life. I enjoy learning about adulting, though will occasionally complain about it.
Go to the profile of Holly Emery
Holly Emery
It costs nothing to be kind!
Go to the profile of Emma Vincent
Emma Vincent
While I decide about my Bio, get know me by browsing my posts and comments I’ve made to other posts.
Go to the profile of Krista Bennett
Go to the profile of Denise Estey Lindquist
Denise Estey Lindquist
Married, 7 children, 28 grand & 12 great. I am a part-time culture consultant. I write with Vocal, Medium, NaNoWriMo, and Facebook, A Poem A Day In February
Go to the profile of Chelsia
Copywriter by day and fiction writer by night. When I'm not writing or reading, you can likely find me on the dance floor or traveling.
Go to the profile of Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
I love writing on lots of topics. Get to know me. I love cats, wine, tech, family and humour https://medium.com/@lesleydewar/about-me-lesley-dewar-d53791b899b5
Go to the profile of Mary Morton
Mary Morton
I write about short fiction to help you craft captivating stories, whether they’re flash fiction or drabbles. I have published over 100 short fiction stories.
Go to the profile of Rick Allen
Rick Allen
It is important to me that children develop character.I also write about Love, and Business, and the lifestyle of an Artist. I became a Portraitist in 1976.
Go to the profile of DR Rawson - The Possibilist
DR Rawson - The Possibilist
I write 100 or more words of stories with values. Co-founder of HTTP/www.TinyTales.Press and TinyTales Land for Children. A semi-retired serial entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Marilyn Flower
Marilyn Flower
Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower
Go to the profile of John Welford
John Welford
He was a retired librarian, living in a village in Leicestershire. A writer of fiction and poetry, plus articles on literature, history, and much more besides.
Go to the profile of Bernadette E Wallace
Bernadette E Wallace
Writing through life experiences from the view of a soul stuck in the 1960s. https://medium.com/@bdette75/membership
Go to the profile of Laura Ann
Laura Ann
I have always wanted to write and have a voice in the literature world. I enjoy a good book snuggled up to a roaring fire. I’m a wife and a mom to three pups.
Go to the profile of Keith M. Leonard
Keith M. Leonard
A fiction writer who visits new worlds through stories. Creator and host of the Brewing Fiction Podcast.
Go to the profile of Mackenzie Graham
Mackenzie Graham
Mother. Survivor. Introvert. Always be kind. Middle-aged Midwesterner still trying to make sense of who I am. Writing helps with that...sometimes.
Go to the profile of Miyabi's Movie Diary
Miyabi's Movie Diary
I am a movie, drama and game geek. I create cinematic stories. Thank you for reading.
Go to the profile of Ludiane de Brocéliande
Ludiane de Brocéliande
Francophone by birth. Retired emergency paramedic. I write about animals, life, death, love, humor. Prose & poetry.
Go to the profile of Shereen Bingham
Shereen Bingham
Communication Ph.D., venturing out from success as a scholarly writer to explore terrains of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fictional short stories.
Go to the profile of Desiree Haros
Desiree Haros
Author| Life Coach| Ultra Runner| Vegan| Personal Trainer| Podcaster| WIP| Contact me @ desireesharos@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Sarah Lynn Terzo
Sarah Lynn Terzo
Sarah Lynn Terzo is a journalist, author, and award-winning poet. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and magazines.
Go to the profile of Portia
Minimalist mom- special education teacher - recovering perfectionist
Go to the profile of Nancy S Rust
Nancy S Rust
Journeying through pages and paths, chasing words, embracing life, promoting literacy. .
Go to the profile of Toni Crowe
Toni Crowe
Sharing the hard lessons I've learned in life. Best-selling author. Humorist. Editor. Writing whatever interests me . Owner: No Air. Editor:MuddyUm.
Go to the profile of R. Lara
R. Lara
I contain multitudes.
Go to the profile of Tina M. Roberts
Tina M. Roberts
Mom, wife, lifelong educator and student, reader, and writer
Go to the profile of Steve Vernon
Steve Vernon
Writer of horror, humor. Retiree. Keeper of black cats, drinker of black coffee, and determinedly trying to lose some weight!
Go to the profile of Isaac Ong
Isaac Ong
Never thought I'd write poems on here but it's the only form of writing that comes to mind lately ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯
Go to the profile of sea-at-sunrise
A Kiwi in recovery, navigating her 40's through many sea changes. Traveler, writer, child-wrangler.
Go to the profile of HABEEBAH OYEDOKUN
A wife, mum, and writer, sharing stories that show the true hope, struggle and navigation of life. Also, a brand new copywriter growing her business. Join mee..
Go to the profile of Afiani Rui
Afiani Rui
Personal blog. Highly interested in history, culture, and literature.
Go to the profile of Larry Nowicki
Larry Nowicki
👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills. https://larrynowicki.substack.com/publish/home
Go to the profile of Karen Hoffman
Karen Hoffman
I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher
Go to the profile of Annemarie Berukoff
Annemarie Berukoff
Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology https://helpfulmindstreamforchanges.com
Go to the profile of Anu Anniah
Anu Anniah
Author | Writer | Poet. Bangalore, India. Ex-editor — MuddyUm https://linktr.ee/AnuAnniah
Go to the profile of Neera Handa Dr
Neera Handa Dr
Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I love to tell stories!
Go to the profile of Seana Ridge
Seana Ridge
Nomadic poet
Go to the profile of Slow News Day
Slow News Day
short stories, humor, essays, observations.
Go to the profile of Siany
Single Mum. Awesome Human. Terrible Cook
Go to the profile of Chris Yanda
Chris Yanda
I am sometimes hilarious and always from Canada. I live in the UK now. I find being alive fascinating. Editor for MuddyUm.
Go to the profile of Aline S.
Aline S.
Freelance writer since 2020. Translator. On the team of editors at The Daily Cuppa Grande. Mindfulness, creativity, health, parenting and more. MA in History.
Go to the profile of Amy Lee Kite
Amy Lee Kite
Writer, editor, poet, mom, dog lover. Author of children’s books on tough topics. amyleekite.com
Go to the profile of Asiru Zainab Oyinkansola
Asiru Zainab Oyinkansola
Scribble... scribble... scribble. I'm a writing Time bomb. My stories evolve from a depth I can't comprehend but sometimes, I think it's just my heart talking.
Go to the profile of Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
Hi all, I'm Jamel I write about all types of things from resilience to dogs. I write whatever comes to mind. Please follow me greenviool.medium.com/subscribe.
Go to the profile of Lewiscoaches
Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism - askLewis.com
Go to the profile of Brenda Arledge
Brenda Arledge
My passion is poetry. My muse is sparked by emotion & observation. The world is a giant canvas. It waits on us to paint the detail with our words. (HI writer)
Go to the profile of Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.
Go to the profile of Jonesy's Arti-facts of the Mind: Art-Mind-Musings
Jonesy's Arti-facts of the Mind: Art-Mind-Musings
Hi, I'm Jonesy, a digital abstract painter, surface designer, and writer from Missouri, USA. More here: https://linktr.ee/ArtfullyJonesyDesigns
Go to the profile of Anthea Jones
Anthea Jones
I write whimsical stories of colour, excitement, joy and revenge. And I'm kind of fascinated by words and language. And play, especially in teens and adults.
Go to the profile of Eleanor Writer
Eleanor Writer
Devoted and bookaholic, either with a book in hand or crafting her own tales through writing. Book reviews, stories and musings.
Go to the profile of Lisa Neff, Higher-Powered Life Coaching
Lisa Neff, Higher-Powered Life Coaching
I help differently abled/chronically ill people, as well as adult kids/grandkids of alcoholics, leverage their recovery to create the life they truly want!
Go to the profile of Dr. Seema Patel (PhD)
Dr. Seema Patel (PhD)
I write about nature, personal life, health, literature, gardening, psychology, art, bioinformatics, and data. Imparting joy, truth and knowledge is the goal.
Go to the profile of Stefanie Morejon
Stefanie Morejon
Writer. Designer. Linguist. Teacher. Serial Hobbyist. Editor for Intersectionality & Long. Sweet. Valuable. Join me in the rabbit hole at https://smorejon.com
Go to the profile of Carlos Mesa Pla
Carlos Mesa Pla
I am a writer.
Go to the profile of Sydney Duke Richey
Sydney Duke Richey
Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*
Go to the profile of Suzanne Henderson
Suzanne Henderson
Wellbeing, poetry, life, spirituality and the writers life is what sparks my writing muse.
Go to the profile of Claire Elizabeth Levesque
Claire Elizabeth Levesque
All things travel, cinema, and personal growth!
Go to the profile of Priyanka Sinha
Priyanka Sinha
Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see..
Go to the profile of Shevya
Writing fiction and reviews of fiction.
Go to the profile of Sara Barnett
Sara Barnett
Creative, traveler, mom and wife. ⛰️〡 Working to find joy and make meaning day to day. 〡Support me at https://ko-fi.com/sarabarnett
Go to the profile of Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.
Go to the profile of Nadja Scarlett
Nadja Scarlett
“Witchy, not wicked” | Hodgepodge of stories from spooky fiction to nonfiction, and ALOT in between with a mix of quirky for extra fun!
Go to the profile of Callie Cameron
Callie Cameron
Life, dreams and everything in between.
Go to the profile of Martha Lueck
Martha Lueck
Published author | Freelance blogger for HealthyPlace.com | Passionate about mental health and Jesus | https://tinyurl.com/5fbu7pj7
Go to the profile of Beth Riungu
Beth Riungu
Essayist, traveler, lover of life. Sign up to read free at https://tinyurl.com/BRwrites
Go to the profile of Ross Derbyshire
Ross Derbyshire
Writer sharing ideas on productivity, consistency, and creative systems. Building habits, chasing goals, and writing every single day
Go to the profile of Josh Bassett
Josh Bassett
Editor for The ShortForm | Studied Data Analyst who writes about everything except from data analysis
Go to the profile of Diana Carson-Walker
Diana Carson-Walker
Diana Carson-Walker. Scientist turned mad artist on her way to being a real human. www.findinghumanproject.org and www.sidewaysintocrazy.com
Go to the profile of Mark Tey 🦊
Mark Tey 🦊
Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.
Go to the profile of Lisa Duffy-Korpics
Lisa Duffy-Korpics
Author, Wife, Teacher, Mom, Grandma, Loser of Keys.
Go to the profile of Bill Willisford
Bill Willisford
A Wanderer who is not lost. "Something hidden, go & find it." Kipling. I write to entertain, encourage, to come alongside to help to the edge of civilization.
Go to the profile of Saia Morales
Saia Morales
I am an energetic being here to live, love, and play on this physical plane. I love nature, animals, and reflecting on the astounding miracles of life.
Go to the profile of Birch Tales
Birch Tales
Surviving off stolen souls and chocolate
Go to the profile of Anita Osasona
Anita Osasona
🌟 Anita 🌟Founder & Fashion Maven at DeLanie's | Master of Fashion blending African flair with Contemporary Chic | Lover of Life, Fashion, and Adventure! 🌺
Go to the profile of Sunsand
I am a writer, poet, educator. I aim to encourage you to stay positive, strong. Read my latest story at https://medium.com/@satlasjk1
Go to the profile of J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino is an author and blogger based in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A. A classic storyteller, his stories long or short, never fail to entertain.
Go to the profile of Toni Tails
Toni Tails
CEO of Toni Tails Design | Published Author & Illustrator| Body Positive Graphic Artist | Autism Mama | Survivor of Child Sex Abuse | PTSD ADHD Queer | she/her
Go to the profile of Susan Fourtané
Susan Fourtané
Science/Tech Journalist, Writer |AI Ethics |HigherEd |Rabbits| Editor for The Fiction Series and Never Stop Writing
Go to the profile of Mike Hickman
Mike Hickman
Mike Hickman (@sirhenryatrawlinsonend@me.dm) is from York, England. Words in Red Fez, Little Old Lady Comedy, Doctor Funny, The Haven, Sledgehammer & many more
Go to the profile of Carolann Grace Renaud
Carolann Grace Renaud
I love creativity in any form, revealing an aliveness and activity of the brain and heart that God gave us. I am on a limited budget, not a limited playground.
Go to the profile of Daniel Marie
Go to the profile of Steven Smith
Steven Smith
Author of steampunk fiction and short stories. https://authorstevensmith.co.uk/
Go to the profile of Karen Goldfarb
Karen Goldfarb
I am a writer and director living in NYC. My last film, "Fascination: Helena's Story" won Best Documentary at the NYCIFF. http://fascinationfilm.weebly.
Go to the profile of Ashley J. Anderson
Ashley J. Anderson
Just a girl sharing what she finds delightful. You can also find me at www.ashleydelights.com
Go to the profile of Me Writes
Me Writes
Love to write on travel, movies, career growth, philosophy and religion | Future Top Writer
Go to the profile of Aivaras A Grauzinis
Aivaras A Grauzinis
I am, therefore I think. About everything. And then I write.
Go to the profile of J Anderson
J Anderson
Living, writing, cooking, and loving life in the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, and Central America, one day at a time. Lucky human!
Go to the profile of Dave Beer
Dave Beer
Professor of Sociology at the University of York. His most recent book is The Tensions of Algorithmic Thinking. davidbeer.net
Go to the profile of Jorgen Winther
Jorgen Winther
The ghost in the mirror. Writing about ways of making life a pleasant experience - and mirrors More at: https://life.inidox.com/
Go to the profile of Lauri Novak
Lauri Novak
Award-winning fine art photographer, mentor, and author. Editor at Full Frame. First published book: https://laurinovak.com/product/polar-opposites-book/
Go to the profile of Sujit Chakraborty
Go to the profile of S. Douglas Hall
S. Douglas Hall
Father, Husband, and Veteran, all things that I hope make me an interesting Author.
Go to the profile of Matthew Gould
Matthew Gould
Blogger, Reviewer, random topics, Art. Just a few of the things I post. Why dont you stop by?
Go to the profile of 🄿ixel 🄵loyd
🄿ixel 🄵loyd
"Dad. Designer & gamer. 🧠+🏋️. Real & diverse. Existentialist (Kierkegaardian). #JourneyWithin #Philosophy #LeapsOfFaith"
Go to the profile of Husna Goomy
Husna Goomy
Dreamer. Self explorer. Optimist. Book lover.
Go to the profile of Eiman
A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing
Go to the profile of Randy Runtsch
Randy Runtsch
Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer
Go to the profile of Nicolas Ramis🦎
Nicolas Ramis🦎
I write to make sense of life & human psychology. Grab my free 5-Day SELF-MASTERY Guide → www.subscribepage.io/selfmastery | Self-help, Mental Health, Poetry
Go to the profile of Sawyer Kuhl, the Quiet Dad
Sawyer Kuhl, the Quiet Dad
Husband. Father. Introvert. Deeper thoughts on parenting and pop culture: https://sawyerkuhl.substack.com/?r=21y05h&utm_campaign=pub-share-checklist
Go to the profile of Christina Barber
Christina Barber
Illustrator, painter, writer, comic strip creator… not necessarily in that order.
Go to the profile of Victoria Corindi 🌻
Victoria Corindi 🌻
A curly-haired GenX woman in the Midwest. Technical architect by day, storyteller by night. Write for my boost nominating pubs here: https://bit.ly/49mdK0c
Go to the profile of Jackie Duden
Jackie Duden
Jackie is an almost licensed social worker (MSW in progress) and writer in the United States. She loves to read, spread awareness, advocate and connect people.
Go to the profile of Mark Palmer
Mark Palmer
Freelance autistic writer based in the UK. I focus on neurodivergence, mental health issues, and building better workplaces. www.markpalmerwriter.co.uk
Go to the profile of WyllowS
"I was born through creation, so I might as well give life to other creations."
Go to the profile of Kim Zuch
Kim Zuch
I write about nature, birdwatching, the outdoors, and conservation issues. I like to share pictures and sometimes my dogs show up. Twitter: @kimclawson2
Go to the profile of Nanya Sands
Nanya Sands
Independent marketer and digital nomad/ Shares thoughts about life/ Interested in growth and people.
Go to the profile of Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
26 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub and Poetry Playground || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.
Go to the profile of Lisa Hides
Lisa Hides
Once voted kinda funny for a mom. Runs on coffee + chaos. Inquiries: ihidefrommykids@gmail.com; subscribe to my newsletter https://ihidefrommykids.substack.com/
Go to the profile of B.K. Chapple
B.K. Chapple
Writer of sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal fiction to feed my soul and distract my demons. Thank you for reading, clapping, and leaving feedback on my work.
Go to the profile of Sahil Patel
Sahil Patel
3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.
Go to the profile of Samar.writes
🍏🍉|| Happy-go-lucky learner | Reader | Friend | Fiction/non-fiction writer | Motivator | Late bloomer | Healer ||🌼🌷
Go to the profile of missmedieval
BA English Lit & Lang. Arts, Creative Writing. https://youtube.com/@missmedieval?si=2X3SJhl0hd4tTqOJ buymeacoffee.com/missmedievalmedium
Go to the profile of Jackie Paper
Jackie Paper
Practical daydreamer. Finder of beauty in the broken and mundane.
Go to the profile of C. M. Barrett
C. M. Barrett
Owned by cats. I write about anything that interests me, and I'm happy to report that the brain cells continue to fire with reassuring regularity.
Go to the profile of Carmellita
Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. BA in Speech Communication. Joyful Creator. Blogger with an old-school flavor. A former ghostwriter who came back to life.
Go to the profile of Syd Lowe
Syd Lowe
Writer, fantasist, this and that. But ultimately always escaping reality…
Go to the profile of Simmy
Hello there! My name is Simone, but you can call me Simmy.
Go to the profile of Rikke Kramme
Rikke Kramme
All Things Curious | INFJ | Mother & Wife | Self-sabotage Coach, Hypnotherapist, Teacher | Music, Books, AI, Coffee, Art, and Animals | Must Laugh Every Day.
Go to the profile of Evan Skarin
Evan Skarin
Writer, game designer, and published researcher exploring the depths of humanity through stories, psychology, technology, and design.
Go to the profile of Daksh Pathak
Go to the profile of Mary McGrath
Mary McGrath
Top writer in humor, short stories, writing, advice and poetry. She’s written for Newsweek, Wall St. Journal, Good Housekeeping, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Go to the profile of Kathy J Anderson
Kathy J Anderson
Freelance writer finding useful information to share and engaging poetry that moves you and makes you feel the moods of life. Advertising art educated.
Go to the profile of Scot Butwell
Scot Butwell
I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.
Go to the profile of Jonathon Sawyer
Jonathon Sawyer
I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups
Go to the profile of Liz H
Liz H
Writer | Copywriter | Drinker of far too much coffee | Writes about anything and everything.
Go to the profile of Nanie Hurley 🌿
Nanie Hurley 🌿
Bookworm, gamer, mom, writer, vegan, and human. I write about things that bring me joy.
Go to the profile of ✍️ Alexander Verbeek
✍️ Alexander Verbeek
Writer and public speaker on the beauty and fragility of nature.
Go to the profile of Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Author, Photographer. I specialize in Creative Writing and Storytelling with an emphasis on Mental Health, Philosophy, Trauma, Abuse, Psychology and Crime.
Go to the profile of Victoria Marty
Victoria Marty
Modern philosopher and psychologist, sharing the unisex, life-improving secrets.
Go to the profile of Patricia O'Neill
Patricia O'Neill
I'm a retired secretary. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since childhood and decided to try my luck on Medium. Looking out for side hustles :).
Go to the profile of Patricia Dickson
Go to the profile of Gauri Sirur
Gauri Sirur
Reader, Writer, Dreamer. Mostly whimsical, sometimes serious.
Go to the profile of Robin Shannon
Robin Shannon
Life is too short to eat vanilla ice cream, watch reruns, and debate the Oxford comma.
Go to the profile of Pam Winter
Pam Winter
Christian, Wife, Mimi and animal lover. Owner of ‘Boomers, Bitches, and Babes.’ 3X Top Writer, Humorous, snarky and blush proof.
Go to the profile of Atilio Mera
Atilio Mera
I explore, dream and live. Then I write. Fiction, learning and storytelling.
Go to the profile of Janice Macdonald
Janice Macdonald
At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.
Go to the profile of Kat Brancato
Kat Brancato
Kat Brancato is a Lifestyle Writer for hire. She has been featured in the Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, and Parents. Check out www.katbrancato.com
Go to the profile of Sandy Seeber-Quayle
Sandy Seeber-Quayle
Sandy Seeber-Quayle writes essays, poetry, and fiction that delve into the complexities of the human experience in life and work.
Go to the profile of Kevin Rolly
Kevin Rolly
"I am not here to disturb the peace, I am here to disturb the war"
Go to the profile of Dr James Smith
Dr James Smith
Specializing in Health and Fitness, Writing and Writing Tips. Let's get healthy and creative together!
Go to the profile of Jill Ebstein
Jill Ebstein
I’m about dogs, our lovable and peculiar families, business, and writing in a wide lane, including fiction. I’m a positivity washer too. www.jillebstein.com
Go to the profile of AddisonFoxxBooks
Addison Foxx is from a small town in North Carolina, and when she’s not writing, she’s looking up at the stars. Waiting… and making questionable life choices.
Go to the profile of Kristina God
Kristina God
Substack Bestseller I Award-winning marketing mng I Featured in AOL, Bored Panda (300M views)⚡ Online Writing Club w 11000: https://www.onlinewritingclub.com/
Go to the profile of Will J Murphy
Will J Murphy
Read me to discover how to exploit your Apple tech. SubStack: https://thewillfulwriter.substack.com/ Email: willjmurphywriting@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Wendy Tomlinson
Wendy Tomlinson
Mindset Coach - Law of Attraction, EFT, Affirmations, Goals and more. A real person hoping to make your day a little better. www.lifeandbusinesswithwendy.com
Go to the profile of *Missy*
I mainly write memoirs, essays, wellness articles, and flash fiction. Thanks for joining me, whether you're here for fiction or nonfiction! :)
Go to the profile of Asmi
Dreamy Drama 💟 wild Scorpion ♏️🤷‍♀️ Fantasy Fondness 😶‍🌫️ Seren Spirit 🪷
Go to the profile of Daphne Ayo
Daphne Ayo
Me? I'm an italicized poet. Dog lover. Chocolate junkie. Here, is home to poetry, flash fiction, personal moments, and the musings of an oddball. Welcome!
Go to the profile of Madison Clarke
Madison Clarke
"Crafting words that captivate. Experienced writer with a passion for storytelling📚✍️
Go to the profile of Mehak Adlakha
Mehak Adlakha
27 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub' and 'Namaste Tales' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Life Enthusiast and Explorer
Go to the profile of Alison Acheson
Alison Acheson
Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS--caregiving memoir. My pubs here: LIVES WELL LIVED, UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS, and editor for WRITE & REVIEW.
Go to the profile of Susan Alison
Susan Alison
Paints pictures & writes stories for a living. Dogs appear in the art, & the humour — a lot! (Dogs have much to say about life.) Can be found at SusanAlison.com
Go to the profile of cindee D Renee
Go to the profile of Liat Portal
Liat Portal
Subscribe to my show on Substack. https://liatportal.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Not Even Wine With Dinner
Not Even Wine With Dinner
Kristen Crisp is a writer of stories on life, love, loss, liquor and the daily struggles with sobriety. My mantra is to "Find Yourself and Love What You Find".
Go to the profile of Julie
Just finding my way like everyone else...
Go to the profile of Carole 🪲
Carole 🪲
Keep up to date with the release of my first book 🌈 The Product Ownership and 🤘 The Product Anarchy. 📌 https://carole-longe.kit.com/ac3b51dd18
Go to the profile of kayleigh herbert
kayleigh herbert
Free Spirited Soul, sharing her thoughts, wisdom and love in the form of writing. I am currently travelling Asia, a dream I’ve had for years.
Go to the profile of Mariella M.
Mariella M.
Busy mom who writes about many topics, including health, parenting, and life’s adventures.
Go to the profile of Mary Acton
Mary Acton
Editor-in-Chief of Bouncing and Behavin Blogs, Yorkie lover with Hershey and Jazzies, Clinical Lab Tech, and houseplant addict. I write about my experiences
Go to the profile of Asim Bakhshi
Asim Bakhshi
Reader, Writer, Translator, Learner, Teacher, Drifter, I tread many paths, a traveler of shifting ideas. https://www.linkedin.com/in/asim-bakhshi-54750826/
Go to the profile of Sudarsan K Das
Sudarsan K Das
I am passionate about writing stories, delving into the realms of books, and immersing myself in the rich narratives of anime and movies.😌😎
Go to the profile of Emy Quinn
Emy Quinn
Horror Enthusiast. I love to learn about the history of horror, I write about all kinds of horror topics, and I love to write short horror stories!
Go to the profile of Embroidery Embrace
Embroidery Embrace
I’m Triss, a lover of writing and embroidery art. I run a blog. My mission is to make reading and embroidery enjoyable through my stories, thoughts, and ideas.
Go to the profile of Andreea Tanase
Andreea Tanase
Geeky explorer, sometimes overthinker. When it comes to writing, I have my fingers in many pies. A sour cherry, a lemon meringue, and at least two lava cakes.
Go to the profile of Vidhyadhari M
Vidhyadhari M
Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile to your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and I also try to write poetry. Just saying.
Go to the profile of Tochukwu Godswill Amos ✨☕
Tochukwu Godswill Amos ✨☕
The train station in my head never goes to sleep, "A Journalist to my mind", that's who I have become, trapped in this chaotically calm place forever! 🪄
Go to the profile of Kristy Westaway
Kristy Westaway
She/They | LGBTQ+ | Dark Fantasy Fiction Author | Disability & Mental Health Advocate
Go to the profile of Mypen Soul Writes
Mypen Soul Writes
I began writing in the third grade when I won the President’s Award for Writing. I always say, “The only limit in writing is punctuation.”
Go to the profile of Susan Sagarin
Susan Sagarin
Retired from a 30-plus year career as a writer/editor with Bloomberg Industry Group. Experienced editing fiction and nonfiction. Short fiction is my passion!
Go to the profile of Judy Derby
Judy Derby
Hey, ya’ll! I’m a retired social worker who always wondered what I should be when I grew up. Still don’t know. Love trivia, random thoughts and short stories.
Go to the profile of Diana Raj Kumari
Diana Raj Kumari
I am Gold tested in fire. I got Golden Classics to tell. I am Aloe burning in fire. I got fragrant stories to share.
Go to the profile of Syed Saleem
Syed Saleem
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling , but in rising every time we fall.
Go to the profile of Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Owner: Namaste Now! Boost Nominator, Editor, Writer, Poet. Loves coffee-travel-cooking-photography-experiences. Supports underprivileged children. vidyasury.com