Day 183 Drabble Challenge

I Can Smell It

It won’t get away this time!

Dawn Smiles
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2024


Today’s random word is: Special
Today’s genre is: Mystery

Artwork by Author made using Night Cafe

Drabbles are short: 100 words. No more, no less. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the story counts as having been read! Please read, highlight, clap, comment — let me know you’ve been here. 🥳 Thank you! 😄

Trixie’s sensitive nose wriggled and her eyes opened sleepily to survey her surroundings. Something had changed… but what? Rising to her feet, she gave a deep, languid stretch, then followed her nose.

Harvey rolled across her path and she batted the hamster ball out of the way with a hiss of annoyance — couldn’t he tell she was on the prowl? She could smell the special thing more clearly now, tickling her senses.

The Catnip Mouse™ was back! It had eluded her capture last time…this time, it wouldn’t be so lucky. She sank into a crouch … … … then sprang!

There’s hope for humanity in this drabble from Kim Zuch!



Dawn Smiles
Fiction Shorts

Hi, I’m Dawn! 😊 I’m here, traveling by your side. It’s time to shine!☀️ | LoA | Meditate | Positive | Intuition | E-motion | Growth | Clarity | Love | Hugs! 😄