Archive of stories published by Fierce Punch Studios

Portable Bash CLI For Windows

Inspired by the recent release of Google Backup and Sync, I sprang for extra Google Drive space to migrate my utility applications to the Google platform. I use Windows for gaming, so that included a command line toolkit to work in the Linux and Unix-focused world of web…

A Brief Note On Medium Metabar Color

I was customizing the Fierce Punch Studios publication homepage with the help of this tutorial by elizabeth tobey. The only thing I stumbled over was the top bar — called the “metabar” in Medium’s HTML. It remained frustratingly white, no matter how hard I clicked…

Testing IFTTT, Medium, and Twitter

Thanks to the tip from Code Kings, I made up a recipe to connect Medium to Twitter. I’m testing it with this very story.

I realize that Medium has Twitter integration built in now, but I’d rather centralize all my web account triggers. Call it…

Fierce Punch Studios
Digital Design, Development, Consulting, and Play
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