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Optimizing architecture with AI and graph technology
Transforming AI-powered architectural design with Finch: Enhanced control, transparency and…
Transforming AI-powered architectural design with Finch: Enhanced control, transparency and…
As co-founder of Finch, I am deeply involved in the development of our technology and excited to share with you our latest iteration of the…
Jesper Wallgren
Sep 9
Introducing Finch Graph Rules: Revolutionizing the design process for architects
Introducing Finch Graph Rules: Revolutionizing the design process for architects
In an era where architects are faced with increasing demands, complex specifications, and an ever-evolving technological landscape, the…
Pamela Nunez Wallgren
Aug 28
Can an algorithm solve a century-old problem with an infinite number of architectural solutions?
Can an algorithm solve a century-old problem with an infinite number of architectural solutions?
As architects, we’re typically faced with an endless number of possible solutions to the problem we’re trying to solve. There’s rarely a…
Jesper Wallgren
Apr 24, 2023
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