Archive of stories published by Find Work

Password-less login

Update: We received a lot of feedback and wrote a continuation here.

During the creation of Find Work, we used Google Sign-In for quick prototyping. Now that we have launched, we need to support more than Google users so we are adding email-based login. After some…

Password-less login, continued

Last Thursday we wrote “Password-less login”, detailing our plans for building a password-less email login into Find Work. We had an ulterior motive to collect opinions from outside our organization so we can find any major flaws.

Testing the invisible

When I started dogfooding Find Work, I found an annoying invisible issue. Try to spot it in the screenshot below:

Find Work is live!

It’s finally happened, we have launched our site!

There are a bunch of small tasks remaining (e.g. removing unused icons from FontAwesome, year-tolerant date formatting) as well as a handful of larger features (e.g. email…

These were the top 10 stories published by Find Work; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017.