Go to first fig
first fig
selected cross-posts from my personal website, this ain’t livin’ (www.meloukhia.net)
Note from the editor

i’m s.e. smith. you probably know me from around the internet. first fig contains some selections from my personal website, this ain’t livin’ (meloukhia.net), which is actually updated daily, for people who are into that kind of thing. you can find more of my professional grownup activities on realsesmith.com, follow me on twitter (@realsesmith) or facebook (@realsesmith), or email sesmith at realsesmith dot com if you’d like to talk. please don’t send me actual figs though, i’m allergic.

Go to the profile of s. e. smith
s. e. smith
Writer, editor, agitator. Maker of things that go boom. Disgusting reporter. Twitter: @sesmith | www.realsesmith.com (sesmith at realsesmith dot com)