Top Stories published by Flattr-test in 2011

What to flattr when you speak Svensk?

Since we’ve been getting a lot of new Swedish users, by teaming up with Bredbandsbolaget, it’s good time to do a “what to flattr?” post about Swedish stuff. We’re writing it in English so the Swedes are not the only ones to find new great things to flattr. Enjoy!

Once upon a time, Flattr went offline

Many times in your life you have to be quicker than everybody else. Philippe Bernard from France had a great idea about how to expand Flattr services, but he soon discovered he wasn’t alone. He wanted the glory of creating the first offline Flattr app and related…

These were the top 10 stories published by Flattr-test in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.