Fiddling While Rome Burns

As first seen on my weekly newsletter. Subscribe!

140 Characters of Hate

Years ago, then-CEO Dick Costolo declared Twitter to be “the free speech wing of the free speech party”. At the time, Twitter was facing pressure…

Think Differential

As first seen on my weekly newsletter. Subscribe!

Apple’s Inside Out Platform

Absorbing the news from WWDC this week, I noticed a pattern of how Apple approaches their platforms. And that it seems, well, backwards. Last week…


This first appeared on my weekly newsletter. Subscribe!

The pushback on tech’s encroachment into the real world continues, with Airbnb in the hot seat. They are currently being sued for racial discrimination, to which they’ve responded by claiming that a fraction of their hosts are being…

Will It Blendle?

This first appeared on my weekly newsletter. Subscribe!

Blendle, the Dutch micropayments + news aggregator, launched their iOS and Android apps. They’re solid — well built, carefully designed, if a little buggy in places (still technically beta). Articles are native and…

Slack 2.0

Slack just capped a pretty flawless year by announcing a new platform, an iteration on existing APIs for building bots and integrations. Now, there’s a curated app directory, improved and simplified documentation, a new open source framework, and an $80 million fund aimed at developers to build even more…

Debugging Safari

It was my pleasure to appear as a guest on the excellent Debug podcast last week, not just alongside the gracious hosts Rene Ritchie and Guy English but also the father of the Safari web browser and Webkit, Don Melton. The hook for our conversation was a pair of posts by developer Nolan Lawson…

What ‘What is Code’ is is a Masterpiece

Paul Ford’s incredible What is Code is one of those magazine pieces we’re going to remember as a master of the form. Yes, it’s a business magazine talking about how computers work, but like Gay Talese profiling Frank Sinatra, Hunter S. Thompson crashing the…

Twitter’s Value

Chris Sacca’s ever hopeful What Twitter Could Be is quite a read. Too long and often meandering, it nevertheless shows how deeply he thinks about every aspect of Twitter as a product and a business. I like to imagine a hush fell over Twitter HQ as the entire staff took the time to read then re-read…

Flicker Fusion
Flicker Fusion
An irregularly published review of media and technology written by Jim Ray.
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