Archive of stories published by Floating Sun

Dagger vs. Guice

If you are familiar with dependency injection and you are in Java-land, you’ve probably heard of Google Guice. You may even have heard of this new D-I framework from the fine folks at Square, called Dagger. We have a sizeable codebase that uses Guice heavily, but I’m a sucker for shiny new things…

Capsule: One Jar to Rule Them All

Recap: The Elusive Uber Jar

In a previous post I discussed various challenges and pitfalls in creating an “uber” jar for deploying Java applications. Having battled Maven Shade, Maven Assembly and even Proguard out of…

Gaestebin 2.0

AngularJS + Go + AppEngine = Gaestebin 2.0

A while back, I wrote a secure pastebin that can be deployed on Google AppEngine for use at work.

It has served us well since then, but I was itching to learn some new things and so few weekends ago, I rewrote…

Gaestebin 2.0 Performance

One of the reasons I rewrote Gaestebin in Go was to get better performance.
Python is nice, but given the AppEngine architecture, there’s probably
non-trivial overhead in spinning up new instances and since most instances
are short-lived in my case, there’s not enough time for…